What's a game you wish would be made but know it may never see the light of day?


Horror Movie Guru
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This doesnt include games that were cancelled or games that are in the preplanning stages. These are games that are in everyone's minds that they'd want to see.

My list:
Mario Kart in the vein of Smash Brothers.
-Imagine seeing Snake and Sonic racing with Mario in the same game

A proper horror fighting game with multiple IPs
-If they can give us DLC for Freddy, Jason etc they can give us a fleshed out horror fighting experience. It would sell.

More Sega sports titles
-They did one which revolved around tennis but that was back during the Xbox 360 days. Imagine Team Sonic vs Team Streets of Rage in a 5v5 basketball game.
A hardcore Megaman game where you use button inputs to really make for a complex battle system.
An official Pokemon battle simulator, with the ability to make your own AI trainer and visit every region like an MMO.