I remember back in grade school when we were tasked to make our own wooden stool so we had to scratch the blocks of wood with sandpaper (I forgot what the process is called). It's painful especially if you're not wearing any gloves, but I enjoyed having to touch the smooth blocks of wood after scratching them with sandpaper.
Hmm....I am not so sure.
I wouldn't mind debugging a code for hours to days, with no break whatsoever xD
I also like writing new code and ....everything else I suppose.
I like typing out a lot of text on my keyboard, or playing PC games with a keyboard. It can be somewhat painful when typing for many hours, but I like listening to the sound of the keyboard buttons, and the feeling of pressing buttons quickly.
Pressing the mouse button very fast can be painful when pressing on the button a lot to play a game. I find the clicking sound of a mouse kind of nice.