What's for dinner?


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So.....my hubby and I had hot dogs for dinner. I had chili on my hot dogs, he did not.

What did you guys have for dinner?
We had homemade mac and cheese and fish sticks. It was surprisingly tasty!
For me my dinners are my lunch and my lunch is my dinner ^^;

I usually have some kind of PB&J sandwich for dinners.
We're having a roast with mashed potatoes & gravy. We also throw in there carrots, celery, sometimes mushrooms. We tend to prefer home-cooked meals & my husband is the cook in this family. I don't have the patience lol
I like cooking. I just hate having to wash the dishes afterwards.

I don't know what my hubby and I will have for dinner tonight.
Switched it up and had a breakfast meal for dinner today. Fried eggs, cheddar and black pepper sausages, and some cheese.

I feel like Ron Swanson today

I don't know what's for dinner. My hubby will have already eaten by the time I get home and I'll get home too late to have dinner with him.
Mac And Cheese is great but could constipate you because of high calcium content from the cheese, so must eat something with high magnesium to balance the calcium preventing constipation, cocoa is a good source of magnesium so always drink some hot chocolate/chocolate milk later on for the magnesium after eating mac and cheese. 2:1 calcium-to-magnesium ratio is best.
We had salmon, sweet potato, and salad. We're making a serious effort to eating healthier.
My husband made a pot of DELICIOUS potato soup. That recipe is definitely a keeper - absolute perfection.
My husband made a pot of DELICIOUS potato soup. That recipe is definitely a keeper - absolute perfection.

I remember my grandmother making potato soup. As kids, my brothers and I use to call it miracle soup because she'd always make it when we weren't feeling well and we'd feel better after eating it.
I don't know if I would call it miracle soup but... it definitely soothed the soul! lol

We had it with nice warm bread. This pandemic has definitely brought out the chef in my husband. He cooks more than I do nowadays!
I don't know if I would call it miracle soup but... it definitely soothed the soul! lol

We had it with nice warm bread. This pandemic has definitely brought out the chef in my husband. He cooks more than I do nowadays!

My hubby is actually a good cook. He makes a really good chili.