What's the worst academic session you had?


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Full GL Member
For me, it would be the university and a session when I had to carry over 3 different courses. If I had failed another making it 4 courses, I would have been expelled and I would have to start all over again. I completely lost focus that semester and it affected my grades very bad.
More than I can recount, there is a reason why debt forgiveness isn't all that bad since most of our money was wasted.
More than I can recount, there is a reason why debt forgiveness isn't all that bad since most of our money was wasted.
Over here, you pay your semester fees over again from your pocket to rewrite any of those failed course and no one give you student loans.
I was bullied quite well but it passed at some point. The worst academic session experience I had was in one of my online classes on zoom. I couldn't understand anything the teacher was going on about for house. In fact, I slept throughout the whole session.