What's your favorite Anime intro / music video


What's your favorite anime intro / music video?

Here are two of my favorite openings:

Robotech (US) intro:
Big fan of mecha anime and Robotech was something I used to watch every day after school. It's dated but its one of my faves.

Great Teacher Onizuka intro:
This intro actually turned me onto the group L'arc-en-ciel and I have listened to that band off and on since I originally watched this anime. I love this song and even learned how to play it on guitar.
I was really into Inuyasha as a kid so I naturally love the intros. I like this season intro in particular because it highlights all the different characters in the show. Watching these intros again makes me want to watch the show again! If only I had time.

Agh, that's a hard one! The first anime I ever watched (look, I wasn't even 10 years old yet, give me a little slack) was "Fruits Basket", and hearing the song and watching the intro takes me back to a whole phase of nostalgia and happiness. I remember, all the other girls at my school didn't get into it until 6th grade (it was only really a few of the people that were somewhat into anime). I mean, since I have a bias untoward it, I feel like I shouldn't pick it.

BUT - one of my most recent (I haven't been big on anime lately, I guess I'm just growing up) was the Texhnolyze intro. It's dark, it's mysterious - and the anime easily matches both of those themes. However - it does feel a little too low-fi and abstract (it's an old anime, I get it) for my taste. I'm into the surreal, sure, but this was like a jumbled puzzle - it felt pretty irrelevant despite how much I liked it. The ending was more than depressing - and I advise everyone to watch it. But at the same time, I wouldn't.

So, overall - it's a tie, really. But I probably like the Fruits Basket opening more!
My favourite intro would be the opening to Case Closed! (Detective Conan dubbed by funimation)


This intro gives me chills everytime for some reason. The lyrics are amazing too! :lol:
Edit: Aha the song wasn't complete in the video I linked (it doesn't finish in the anime either) but the end lyrics are:
"All I will ever have faith in, is the beating in my chest. It won't predict tomorrow, or give me eternal rest."
I love Tokyo Ghoul's opening, beautiful animation and colors to go with the song. Even though I've never watched the anime or read the manga, the opening is filled with emotion... to me at least.



These are two of my favorite anime openings.
That...is probably one the hardest questions I've ever been asked. I actually run a youtube channel where I and a group of friends rates openings and creates lists by season or year, but we've never had to choose a single favorite song. Nope, not even gonna try. 

Sevrin said:
That...is probably one the hardest questions I've ever been asked. I actually run a youtube channel where I and a group of friends rates openings and creates lists by season or year, but we've never had to choose a single favorite song. Nope, not even gonna try. 

Yeah, there are just so many good things to choose from it's almost impossible to pick an absolute favourite :<
lludawg said:
I was really into Inuyasha as a kid so I naturally love the intros. I like this season intro in particular because it highlights all the different characters in the show. Watching these intros again makes me want to watch the show again! If only I had time.

How nostalgic.
It's been years...since I had completed watching this series :D
The "Another" opening has always been on of my favorites! I love ball-jointed dolls and there's an abundance of them in this opening; always a plus. ;) The opening in general is great though. I also love the Higurashi openings; both seasons, but especially the first season.  


My favorite opening overall is probably the first Aldnoah Zero opening, but I can't find any videos of it on YouTube that actually show the opening properly. I just love that opening for some reason. 
Elfen Lied's opening was pretty neat too, but not one I'd say is my favorite. 
Here's one of my favorites.

Mostly because when I was a kid, I watched this quite often, and really liked the song lyrics. Sang along even.
It was adapted to my language, though. Which isn't necessarily bad. It was well made at least. I can probably still sing it, haha.
The intro song of Voltes V became viral in our country before. I guess it is catchy and a lot of comedians used it in their stints.