What's your idea of "normal"?


Mori Hater
Normal. The word that destroys people's lives. I hate what society deems as normal. "You have to be like this, and that, and like them, and dress like this, and act like that." What is normal? It is who you are, what you are, how you act, how you dress, what your like, what your personality is. It's who YOU are not what people want you to be. I'll be how I want, not what you want. I want to be myself, not what you made me. I always hear people talking about people that are mentally retarded not being normal. Well guess what? THEY ARE. That is normal to them. We're probably "not normal" to them.

So I ask, what are your thoughts on "normal", and how society has changed that word into something completely different?
This is a difficuolt question, but my version of normal is someone who does not harm others with violence, verbal threats, or scam people.
This is a difficuolt question, but my version of normal is someone who does not harm others with violence, verbal threats, or scam people.

That's a model citizen, but I wouldn't say its normal because it's not to most people.

"Normal" doesn't exist. Society made it up so everyone would be the same so they could push out outcasts and 'weird' people. "Normal" is just what certain people have in common, and if you don't share that thing in common with other people, you're not "normal".

No, "normal" is bullshit. Everyone is different and if it weren't for our self esteem and our worry about what other people thought, anything would be normal.

I find it perfectly normal to stick my pizza in the freezer when I get it because I like cold pizza. I don't think that's weird at all, because I enjoy it. Im not the only one who does either. It's considered "weird" to everyone else because the majority of people don't do that, thus it's not normal.

Society took the word "average" and made it "normal".