What's your opinion on the way teenagers are written in anime?


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Most of the people I know are not that stupid or unreasonable or mature.
So, what do you think about this in general?
most seem to be written as too nice or as thugs.
from what I've seen, teenagers in anime have either a high ego, a quiet one who happens to be knowledgeable when crisis hits, or a hopeless romantic who gets caught up in their feelings. haha
You'd actually be surprised to know how naive and unreasonable teens, and even adults, can be once you really. Its pretty hard to notice the flaws of people around you (or even your own) unless another party points them out. Ever had a bad fight with someone, think back on your previous interactions with them, and only then realize what flaws they may have? xD No one is perfect and we're all still growing up. I'm 31 and I cringe at some stuff I've done or said 4 years ago lol.

But back to the question I'd say its usually an accurate representation. Maybe taken to the extreme/exaggerated in some cases. Seeing how teens are the main target audience in most cases, the characters are just written that way to appeal to them. Characters they can identify to, or characters they aspire to be. Or characters they can associate with people around them. A bully. A dense crush. That one guy/girl that's good at everything.
They usually have something about them where they are super nice to their friends and sometimes play strange music when something happens to show they care about them. I've noticed this on anime such as bleach. Animes such as Yu Yu Hakusho show the other flip side where they are thugs such as @Demon_Skeith had said. But about that music and how they portray friendship is really my point.