What's your Organization XIII name?

Hammer Bro.

Hammer Bro.
This looked better off in the Forum Games. So yeah, if you know what Kingdom Hearts is, you'll be familiar with this topic. Pretty much you mix up the letters in your real name (or nick name) into what ever that you think works best, then add the letter "X" in it. It doesn't have to be the first letter. Pronounce it however way you want.

Sora --> Roxas.

My real name:
Eddy --> Ddyex
The second "d" is silent. So it's pronounced, "Dyex"
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Spencer into Nepscrex. (Nep-screcs) was gonna be Nepscre (same but scray) but damn you X. had nowhere to put you.
Hehe, I've always used Xenon, though that's not a scramble of my actual name.
Mine seems fairly easy...

Cha becomes Xach (Zack)
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The coolest one I thought I made is "Noltecx" (the "c" is silent)
oooohhhhhhhhhhh i know i know its colten by any chance????
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Yeah but the second "o" is supposed to be an "e"
Oh, I thought you spelt it "Colton"
John ⇒ Xohjn (cso-hin)
Not much you can do with one vowel and 4 constanants, especially when 2 are 'x'and 'j'...