What's your political alignment?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
On this site?


For me:

cosmopolitan 27%
secular 15%
visionary 17%
anarchistic 24%
capitalistic 3%
pacifist 12%
anthropocentric 54%

I answered neutral to a ton of questions.
Nationalistic 2%
Fundamentalist 1%
Reactionary 10%
Authroitarian 16%
Capitalistic 4%
Militaristic 6%
Ecological/Anthropocentric 0%

Woa...I always knew that I was up for authority, but I never knew it outran everything else.
15% Cosmopolitan
51% Secular
18% Visionary
3% Anarchistic
11% Capitalistic
17% Militaristic
2% Ecological
25% Cosmopolitan
41% Secular
19% Visionary
19% Anarchist
4% Communistic (i resent that)
28% Pacifist
62% Anthropocentric
After answering "I fully agree" to every answer (excluding the ones that made common sense, which I answered "I strongly disagree" to), here's what I am!

2% Cosmopolitan
8% Secular
8% Visionary
41% Communistic
68% Militaristic
21% Anthropocentric
I chose all the 'Evil" choices and got this.
