CM30 Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner Full GL Member Credits 1,006 May 18, 2011 #1 On this site? For me: cosmopolitan 27% secular 15% visionary 17% anarchistic 24% capitalistic 3% pacifist 12% anthropocentric 54% I answered neutral to a ton of questions.
On this site? For me: cosmopolitan 27% secular 15% visionary 17% anarchistic 24% capitalistic 3% pacifist 12% anthropocentric 54% I answered neutral to a ton of questions.
F F'jeris FΣÐЯ ТHΣ FUTUЯΣ Credits 400 May 18, 2011 #2 Nationalistic 2% Fundamentalist 1% Reactionary 10% Authroitarian 16% Capitalistic 4% Militaristic 6% Ecological/Anthropocentric 0% Woa...I always knew that I was up for authority, but I never knew it outran everything else.
Nationalistic 2% Fundamentalist 1% Reactionary 10% Authroitarian 16% Capitalistic 4% Militaristic 6% Ecological/Anthropocentric 0% Woa...I always knew that I was up for authority, but I never knew it outran everything else.
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 May 18, 2011 #3 15% Cosmopolitan 51% Secular 18% Visionary 3% Anarchistic 11% Capitalistic 17% Militaristic 2% Ecological
15% Cosmopolitan 51% Secular 18% Visionary 3% Anarchistic 11% Capitalistic 17% Militaristic 2% Ecological
K kunino-sagiri Well-Known Member Credits 400 May 18, 2011 #4 25% Cosmopolitan 41% Secular 19% Visionary 19% Anarchist 4% Communistic (i resent that) 28% Pacifist 62% Anthropocentric
25% Cosmopolitan 41% Secular 19% Visionary 19% Anarchist 4% Communistic (i resent that) 28% Pacifist 62% Anthropocentric
N NintenDan Well-Known Member Full GL Member Credits 521 May 20, 2011 #5 After answering "I fully agree" to every answer (excluding the ones that made common sense, which I answered "I strongly disagree" to), here's what I am! 2% Cosmopolitan 8% Secular 8% Visionary 41% Communistic 68% Militaristic 21% Anthropocentric
After answering "I fully agree" to every answer (excluding the ones that made common sense, which I answered "I strongly disagree" to), here's what I am! 2% Cosmopolitan 8% Secular 8% Visionary 41% Communistic 68% Militaristic 21% Anthropocentric
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 May 20, 2011 #6 I chose all the 'Evil" choices and got this.
S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 May 20, 2011 #8 I got fatal error'd after answering all 50 statements truthfully. ;_;
S SuperMarioFanX100 Insane, but humble Credits 1,005 May 20, 2011 #9 Flandre Scarlet said: I got fatal error'd after answering all 50 statements truthfully. ;_; Click to expand... Try again?
Flandre Scarlet said: I got fatal error'd after answering all 50 statements truthfully. ;_; Click to expand... Try again?