What's your Social Santa rating?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
Basically, it goes through a recent sample of your tweets and checks for how many times you've sworn in the last few weeks or so. It then says whether you're naughty or nice depending on how many of your messages contain swearing.

So here's the site:


And here's my rating:

View attachment 233

Yeah, I'm very boring, aren't I? Still, it's a professional account for Gaming Reinvented, we can't be swearing on a regular basis, can we?

But what's your rating?
I got the exact same. I tend to not swear online as much as I do in real life, and even then I don't swear a lot.
Yeah. Makes me wonder what Nin3DSFan or whatever would get. I remember him liking to swear a fair bit, especially whenever he got annoyed at a small thing...
My Twitter is 21+ so I don't know! lol