What's your view about fate?


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There are people that believe that what is going to be will be. They just live life as they see and bother less about what life throws at them. Do you believe that fate exist or do you work harder to build the life that you want?
I believe what's going on is going to leave everyone out of time. There should really be some comeuppance in this world.
I take things as they come. I want things to be good for me but the bad days can never be eliminated from creeping into our lives. Fate? Let's see what today have for me.
It's a touchy subject. Some people believe & even appreciate thinking their life is planned out for them, start to finish per their religion.
I believe there's a lot of chance & the "right place at the right time". Or the flipside, "wrong place at the wrong time".
Would kind of suck for things to be planned out in advance in one's life.
It would really suck for things to be like this for some especially when it's all bad things happening to someone. There are people who never gets a break from facing bad situations in life. Who planned it for them?