When Did You Pick Up Reading Habit?


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I started reading books as soon as I learned the alphabet, I was 4 years old. The first book I read was a story from Panchantantra (a Hindu book of fables). I did not read for the story, I read the book because I was happy to see the words I had learned.
I was in the peimary school when I began reading. I read a lot of newspapers back then too as it helped me understand well about situation of things.
I've not really made a habit of reading but I read every day whether it's a book, TV, or the internet.
I've always been fascinated with words, spelling, reading. So I'd say as soon as I learned to read is when I started reading as a habit. There's just something about being lost in books. Learning something new.
I feel like I picked up the desire to write (since I was like 7-8) before I picked up the interest to read, but that they both came a little hand-in-hand. I needed to know how to do it, after all.