When did you start gaming?


When did you start gaming? I've played games off and on over the years but I have never streamed or anything. I enjoy the classics like Mario lol but now that my oldest son is getting into gaming, I am slowly joining him! haha
Like the year 2000 or like 2005 or something like that. and I got more into it around 2010.
Probably since I was in Kindergarten age. But it still wasn't a whole lot. Just GBA and Gamecube games. We're so lucky now to have better consoles that can do both.
Probably since I was in Kindergarten age. But it still wasn't a whole lot. Just GBA and Gamecube games. We're so lucky now to have better consoles that can do both.
Yes me too when I was in kindergarten. Started gaming with the game & watch stuff.
I remember playing MS-DOS games when I was a kid many years ago. I started gaming in the 1990s on an older computer.
I remember playing MS-DOS games when I was a kid many years ago. I started gaming in the 1990s on an older computer.
So many great games on MS-DOS, like the first Prince Of Persia game, Ghostbusters 2, TMNTs, XCOM, Monkey Island, etc.
Yes me too when I was in kindergarten. Started gaming with the game & watch stuff.
Manhole is one I have on eReader. Pretty cool graphics. Of course on 3DS there's a Music player app where you can play a new game in the style of G&W but there are also a lot of those titles on the eShop.
Manhole is one I have on eReader. Pretty cool graphics. Of course on 3DS there's a Music player app where you can play a new game in the style of G&W but there are also a lot of those titles on the eShop.
I remember playing one of the first color LCD Game and Watch type game (not nintendo's) waaay bacthen, was so excited even without SE's please be excited guy lol then of course came the gameboy, game boy color, gamegear and so on.
I was 3 years old, I had a Game Boy (Which I still have to this very day, it powers up and plays games just fine, but the display has seen better days) and the first game I ever played was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan, and I didn't know how to play! Nostalgic as heck playing it today!
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I was 3 years old, I had a Game Boy (Which I still have to this very day, it powers up and plays games just fine, but the display has seen better days) and the first game I ever played was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan, and I didn't know how to play! Nostalgic as heck playing it today!
Wow. That's a great story and nostalgic as heck.
Probably around 6? My sister got me a game boy advance for Christmas one year, along with Mario and a spongebob game :)
We had the old Atari system back in the 1980’s. It was hooked up to our TV in the kitchen. My mom & I would play for hours on it. After I got married, my husband & I got into Nintendo. We don’t play as much anymore.
That was when I bought the FF 7 guide lol.
too bad the guide had no Tifa Panty Shot PLOT cover like this old spanish game magazine cover lol