When did you start writing?


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I have always been into books. Reading & writing was a way to get my thoughts out by focusing on something else. I have kept a diary since 1990 but now I just use Word. I wrote poems as well as created stories. So I would say I started as soon as I learned how!
When they forced me to in school lol.
I learn how to write when I was taught how to write in school when I was in grade 1.

I wrote computer and gaming related articles, reviews, news articles, and tutorials to post on blogs, forums, social networks, video sharing sites and paid article sites when I was a young adult.

I wrote some poems for fun because I found rhyming fun many years ago.
When they forced me to in school lol.
Well, there's that as a reason lol
I learn how to write when I was taught how to write in school when I was in grade 1.

I wrote computer and gaming related articles, reviews, news articles, and tutorials to post on blogs, forums, social networks, video sharing sites and paid article sites when I was a young adult.

I wrote some poems for fun because I found rhyming fun many years ago.
I loved thinking of things to rhyme with. More times than not I had to change the wording just so I could find a good rhyming word that sounded better.
I've written a couple of short stories this year. Still trying to decide if I should publish them or not.

Other than that, I've only ever written when I was forced to in school.
I used to type some out as a kid but I never got into the verbose detail of writing that comes with the length of the average book, even if it was just meaningless fanfiction to the average person.