When I grow up...


Hakuna Matata
Full GL Member
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As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

If you are an adult, did you end up becoming what you wanted to be?
I think I said a gardener? But that's not really a money making area.
My dream when I was young was to be an Archaeologist & an Astronaut. Odd huh lol To look into the past but also the future. I don't have the mathematics know-how to even try. Not to mention, close quarters. Was still a nice dream that paved the way for me to be an amateur astronomer. I was in middle school (almost telling my age lol) when the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded. I remember an episode on Punky Brewster that touched on it. While it was very deep what happened, I think they did that episode very well for young kids.
I always like computers and stuff. I like the idea of composing music and that as well, but I think if I really invest my time in game development that would be considered my dream. But if I don't make a little money off of that, then maybe I would be better off where I am and being frugal.
I think I wanted to be a website owner when I was young because I thought it was interesting that people can share their hobbies, knowledge, and opinions on a website , or provide a online service like a search engine, chat room, forum, and social network on the internet.
I want to be an scientist bc I wanna see stuff that nobody can see,search,find cures for different viruses,never give up,see the underneath ocean with my buddies,find different creatures and more!
I wanted to be a barber when I was still. I used to sing it like a song for my mother. She always told me you will change your mind when you grow up and she was right lol.
When I was a kid, I grew up to want to be a teacher and as much as I did leave school and take childcare in college, the path to working in schools and becoming a teacher was never something I stuck with due to how my life went.

Instead, I now work from home in freelance and video game content creation which was not something I had planned but something I do enjoy