When was the last time you didn't go online for an entire day?

That's almost every day
Probably a couple of years ago to be honest. If you're trying to run a gaming site, you pretty much can't afford to not be online for a day.
Were you guys never ill for an entire day, like having the flu and sleeping all day to recover without going online?

I usually go on the internet when I am sick at home because I can't spend all day in bed. Plus, most stuff like game consoles, TVs, Blu-Ray players, smartphones, tablets, and other things have internet connections, so it is hard not to use the internet unless you don't use any of your electronic devices..
I still jump online but at best I'm only on for like half an hour or more pending on the sickness.

I sometimes use the internet to look up sicknesses when I am sick to see if there are any home cures for sicknesses without the need of drugs, and expensive health equipment.
Years ago, way before I got a smartphone. Even if I'm ill I will still watch videos and things like that on my smartphone so I don't tend to go a day without connection.