When you go into a store do you usually know what is on SALE?


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Yes, since the store usually has a stack of sales flyers at the door way, or the sales flyers are taped to the Windows, Walls by the entrance to the store, or I just go online to see what is on sale at the store since a lot of stores like Best Buy, Gamestop and other places has electronic versions of their flyers on their website.

The local newspapers put tons of store flyers in the paper.

Plus, there are usually small Bill boards inside stores directing people to sales items.
I only check for sales if there is something in particular that I'm looking for, like a specific camera or other high priced item.
I usually go online to check out comsumer reviews, but not much in the way of sales and discounts - I often find this out when visiting a retail store. Not all stores advertise all the great deals that interest customers though, but they often schedule clearance sales.