When's the Last Time You've Been To An Arcade?


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When was the last time you went to an arcade? What games did you play? Did they have anything recent, or did you just play classics like air hockey? I think air hockey was always one of my favorite games. Racing, and claw machines were also pretty cool. I was never a big fan of those shooter games with the big fake guns though.
About two years ago when I visited some cheap hotel arcade room.
When was the last time you went to an arcade? What games did you play? Did they have anything recent, or did you just play classics like air hockey? I think air hockey was always one of my favorite games. Racing, and claw machines were also pretty cool. I was never a big fan of those shooter games with the big fake guns though.
About 3 days ago, the had air hockey and the claw machine along with Pacman. They also had new 3D shooting and racing games. It was really fun and I am going to go back next week. I also love air hockey too.
Must've been 3 or 4 years ago now. Don't have too much interest in them anymore. My favorite games are the racing ones, and air hockey is pretty cool too.
Actually just today! Although I was just passing by and didn't really play anything, although that was mainly because I didn't have any coins and didn't want to bother exchanging bills. But there was some Initial D racing game that I really wanted to try. Oh well, next time!
It's been a pretty long time! I think the last time I was in one I played Dance Dance Revolution (which I despise but play anyways) and I love the racing games and Pac-man. An indoor water park I worked at for a few years had an arcade, but I never went in to check it out.
I think it's been 2 years since I last played at an arcade. It was part of a cinema, which unfortunately closed down. Had some really great times playing Time Crisis, Street Fighter and air hockey :)
Here in the UK, especially where I live anyway, arcades are dead as...well, dead these days and I myself haven't stepped into one for a number of years now. Growing up they were the place to be, and I'd even go as to say they are the reason why a lot of people are still gamers today.

That being said, you could say they've contributed to their own downfall, as while they'rd the reason people have got into gaming in the first place, they're also the reason people have bought home consoles, so effectively making the arcades redundant.
The last arcade I was at was Dave N Busters in New York. The reason I actually went was to try out the test run of the Pokken Tournament machine that was temporarily there. I also played a few of the old school arcade shooters while I was there. I would love to live close to a Round 1 though as they are supposed to have some really amazing and rare machines.
About two years ago when I was at a friends birthday.The games were not that good but I still had a good time.The one I remember was with a pirate ship where you had to shoot some zombies
I went to an Arcade last week. It was one of those Arcades inside movie theaters. It had basic games likes Air Hockey, Basketball Hoops, and the game machines where you can win things. Basically, all the classic games. My favorite games are the typical racing games and shooting games. I want to visit an actual Arcade sometime. I'm talking about the really big ones with like over 100+ gmes.
I think I've only ever gone to an arcade once! I was like 10 years old so I don't even remember much, it was with my dad. I guess I've been missing out... Maybe I'll check one out soon.
As far as I can remember, the last time I stepped in to an Arcade was ten years ago. My favorite game were the On rails shooters Ocean Hunter and Time Crysis. I used to play a lot of beat em ups too like TMNT and The simpsons with my pals. The decline of the business started when they decided to switch the good old arcade coins for magnet cards credits, because they were charging more for every game.