Where do you go?


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Where do you go to get all your gaming news? Why do you go there specifically? Are they faster than most other places at posting new gaming news?
I watch on YouTube, I read in magazine I buy in convenient store, I read 4Gamer.
I also have official LINE account for most favourite game.
And I get information from friend in online chat app. (´・ω・`)
Mostly youtube and reddit plus I got a gaming feed going on feedly which gets news and articles from a lot of sources. I check up on it almost every day or every other day.
When I visit places like here, I learn of a lot of stuff from talking to people like D_S. People who have gaming forums that I visit, especially if they have a "gaming news" section.
When I visit places like here, I learn of a lot of stuff from talking to people like D_S. People who have gaming forums that I visit, especially if they have a "gaming news" section.

we're pretty much decided to news on this entire site, since general chat can be deadish...