Which games have you completed 100%?


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From my observations, a lot of gamers don't usually go for a 100% completion in the games they play. Most just focus on the game's main story. For those that have given their time to completing games at 100%, which games have you maxed out on that note?
Not too many, I fully completed past FF games and dot hack games and working on Megaman X 1-4 right now.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Spyro Season of Ice but there's a glitch that gets you a spare Gem in the last world. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, all non-DLC in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and I'm going to be really proud if I can 100% Kid Icarus Uprising because I have two missions left and they are evil!

Red Dead Redemption 2​


Grand Theft Autos​

Days Gone​

Watch Dogs 2​

Watch Dogs: Legion,

Far Cry 5 and 6​
