Who do you write like?


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Paste a forum post in the site linked below and see what comes up! I've never seen it happen, but apparently some people are annoyed their writing is compared to that of Stephanie Meyer and Dan Brown.


What results come up when you try?
I put in my current part of the chapter I'm working on, and got Cory Doctorow.
Apparently, I write like Kurt Vonnegut (never heard of him, but he seems to be one of the influential writers of the 20th century).
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I got L. Frank Baum. Who is that? *Looks it up.*

He wrote the Wizard of Oz. Now I feel ashamed. I've never seen (or read) The Wizard of Oz. All I know is that its some kind of utter crap.
I wrote this:
So wots all dis? Innit? You get me?

Yeah, it's random, and I got "Mark Twain"? He was an American author who died in 1910, and what I wrote is like .... totally not American.

Also I went crazy and typed this:
Weeeeeflobl dofo elorple plsdlg perg ksoerpg iaoproipopodsg oervoperv

Apparently I write like Dan Brown.
I decided to copy and actual poem:
Twas bryllyg, and ye slythy toves
Did gyre and gymble in ye wabe:
All mimsy were ye borogroves;
And ye mome raths outgrabe.

The official author is Lewis Carroll, but I write like William Shakespeare.... FAIL!

No, you idiot. Ray Bradbury did NOT write Jerusalem. William Blake did. GRAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR! Also for lulz I posted a thing full of swearing, and it was Stephen King.

Hmmm... I wonder if we have any dinosaurs? yes, J. D. Salinger.
I need to find a place where I have a long post. I tend to write posts in very short bits. Maybe this post will work? I'm not sure though. I should check!
"It was all very similar to when you try to digest a piece of paper, and end up feeling sick afterwards."

Random line from a story I'm working on. It said I write like Douglas Adams. Success!!
It said that the 1337 'AREA RESTRICTED. ALL NOOB INTRUDERS 2 B HAXORED BY US L33T HAMM3R BROZ.!' from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time was in the style of Dan Brown.

It said that 'Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you, too, will sleep eternally in the dark power's embrace!' was in the style of James Joyce.

That this Broque Monsieur quote from Bowser's Inside Story 'You! You will submit to zee power of zis magnificent block, and you will do so NOW!' was in the style of Harry Harrison.

That Fawful wrote like Earnest Hemingway, Magaret Atwood and Kurt Vonnegut.

Bowser speaks like Stephenie Meyer in the final speech in Bowser in the Sky in Super Mario 64.

Chief Chilly's death speech apparently sounds like Mary Shelley.

King Boo in Luigi's Mansion writes like Ernest Hemingway...

Smithy sounds like J.D. Salinger.

The Shadow Queen's speech in Paper Mario 2 is in the style of Stephen King...

Dimentio writes like Margaret Atwood...

So that's enough Mario stuff, now for something interesting. *Puts the Bible through the machine*

It said some passages in Matthew 3 whatever sound like James Joyce...
"It was all very similar to when you try to digest a piece of paper, and end up feeling sick afterwards."

Random line from a story I'm working on. It said I write like Douglas Adams. Success!!

Hey, same here! Air five!

Ed-but I wanna be Dan brown though. I just LOVE the D/\ \/inci Code.
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It says my Global Business Environment Coursework sounds like Steven King?...
Here's what I had: "What I'm trying to say is, chickens wil rule the world one day, and there's nothing we can do about it."

And here's who I got: Chuck Palahniuk.
I copied and pasted my most recent chapter for my fan fiction like SMF, and I got Dan Brown.

For something totally different, I pasted this comment... (can you guess who this is from?)
Then now you listen! I am here, merchant of badges, only sometimes with fury, but once I had fury at all times. I drizzled rage dressing on the country next door. Rage dressing on a salad of evil! And then the bad men came. Red and green bad men. I had the punishment. Bad punishment with hammers and jumping on my head and the overheat of my ship. I have a little fury even with my remembering...Red! And green! A pair of jumping hammers in red and green who are looking just like you!


Those brothers of badness! My brain aches at their overalls! I have fury AND headache now! Fawful would be here, reigning over all and laughing at you! ...But no.


Stupid mustaches! Hairs like the dirty tail of a horse in a barn built by a farmer who is crazy!


(Fawful throws off his red cloak, revealing a white Elvis-like suit)
I am waiting like an elevator. I have the commerce. I run Fawful's Bean 'n' Badge, but...the day comes soon when Fawful rises again, and then no baby's candy has safety! I am counting chickens before they are even eggs, before the chickens are even chickens!


Hooof... Heffff...D-Did I...have insanity?
into it after I did my fan fic... And this is what I got: Chuck Palahniuk.

I also tried this one:
Bowser said:
Great, just great. Now I look like the huge, mighty King of GUYS WHO TALK TO POSTERS!

And I got: Cory Doctorow.

Finally, I tried this:

Bowser said:
I am Bowser, businessman of legend! Fear my accounting!

And I got: Kurt Vonnegut.