Who hasn't played Super Smash Land?

Artisan Vistra

Everyone's Rival
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Full GL Member
Super Smash Land is a PC game that looks like a Game Boy game. You can upload scores and play as Mega Man and Vaporeon. There's an endless mode and classic mode. The stage Tower of Heaven is also a PC game. you should play either one sometime. Its been around since maybe Brawl. Last of all, the music is great!
I played it. I didn't like it that much. Like Super Smash Flash, it was cool, but the controls feel clunky no matter how I change them.
I've played it as well. Though the controls are annoying, it's a charming little throwback. Too bad we didn't actually get a GB Smash Bros.
:o No comment on Tower of Heaven? I don't think it's off topic because flashygoodness made the music for both.
The only thing about that I know is Tower of Horrible Voices. Which is the Retsupurae of some annoying guy playing Tower of Heaven.
I haven't. It looks like it has bad controls.