Who is that 2: Gaming


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Welcome to another guess who contest, it is a contest where you must guess who is in this pic. Each day that nobody guesses right or when I feel like it :P I'll drop a hint to help you guess. Here is the prizes:

The person who guesses right gets:

5 dollars (paypal required), award trophy and 500,000 Shards

We have a problem last game with someone not reading the rules. So before you post PLEASE READ THE RULES!


You only get one guess per post and may not guess again till I say you are wrong.

You must fully state the person's name (if they have a full name). Misspelling it leaves you with a wrong reply.

And for a extra 5,000 shards, state exactly which game the character comes from or game series.

So without further adieu, here is the pic now guess the person in it. See the title of this contest for the first hint. Good luck.

Yay! I'm really big fan of the Tomb Raider and if I recall properly this is image from the third one?

Waiting for PM from you :)