Who's your favourite Batman?


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We have had guys like Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson play the Batman. Who amongst them played the Batman role best in your opinion and happens to be your favourite Batman?

Keaton because he made the Bat Turn lol

Christian Bale. However, I might just say that because I like the movies he's in.
The Batman with Nipples, Val Kilmer lol Tim Burton was not happy with it, and I agree it's really bad:

“[Back then] they went the other way. That’s the funny thing about it. But then I was like, ‘Wait a minute. Okay. Hold on a second here. You complain about me, I’m too weird, I’m too dark, and then you put nipples on the costume? Go f*** yourself.’ Seriously. So yeah, I think that’s why I didn’t end up [doing a third film]…”
The Batman with Nipples, Val Kilmer lol Tim Burton was not happy with it, and I agree it's really bad:

“[Back then] they went the other way. That’s the funny thing about it. But then I was like, ‘Wait a minute. Okay. Hold on a second here. You complain about me, I’m too weird, I’m too dark, and then you put nipples on the costume? Go f*** yourself.’ Seriously. So yeah, I think that’s why I didn’t end up [doing a third film]…”
Also, a gay director decided on it. And it's such a quirky kink. But funny and dumb at the same time.
Favorite Batman: Michael Keaton
Favorite Bruce Wayne: Christian Bale
Favorite Overall Batman Movie: Batman & Robin

Conroy is cleary the winner, I mean he's the Arkham batman and the DCAU batman. It's like Mark Hamill. He just feels like Batman as Hamill feels like Joker.
While I haven't watched all of them, I liked Michael Keaton the best. It is an older movie so times & the plot was simpler.
It's a lot to take in (btw just seen his scenes on YT) but he has that dark but quiet voice. Weird seeing the different roles but the thought of losing someone and changing because of it is there.
I completely understood his frustration with the gods because he had so much faith in them and his daughter died as a result but it was all for nothing.