Why are honorifics in anime not translateable?


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Do you think there could be an equivalent honorific for 'san', 'chan', 'kun', 'sama' in English?
Is that why we see them a lot in English subbed anime episodes?
Outside of specific instances for titles like Mr Mrs, or Lord or something like that, most of it isn’t, hence why they leave them in the subtitles. It’s not like some fan translations where they leave stuff in just because “it’s cool”.
That makes some sense.
Most of the time, people believe they use them, because they sound 'cool' and I believe they are cool
I don't know if most understand the endings really, I only know them because I saw it used a lot and looked into it.
I’ve noticed the fandom is pretty rampant with misinformation, and the “experts” are people claiming to have taken a single semester of the language in college, and that makes them fluent.

Really wish I made that part up.

still wish my college had offered a Japanese class.