Why are online gaming communities so toxic?


Well-Known Member
But every time I join in a online multiplayer game, it can quickly turn into a dreadful experience because of one single thing. No, it's not the graphics or gameplay..... It's the people that play them.... It seems that in online gaming communities there's always a large percentage of people that play to win no matter what, they'll get angry and barbarically insult anyone that isn't as good as them, or they just want to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s online because they know that if they try to pull off that kind of stunt in front of another gamer that involves insulting them to no end, they know they're going to get their teeth kicked in and end up with a black eye.

What happened to the respect people used to have for other gamers while they competed in a multiplayer match back in the time where you had to physically sit alongside your opponents and them alongside you in order to play a multiplayer match.

Have any of you people encountered these types of issues in which some multiplayer games are turned into terrible experiences by the game's own fan base?
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One of the biggest reason is they sometimes gamble. Some players put money, and they are expecting thing will go on whatever they want. Then if it didn't, they lose their mind.
A lot of video game fans are competitive like how a lot of sports fans dislike fans who are not fans of the team which they like. There are also who do drugs, and drink alcohol while playing games. Alcohol and drugs can make gamers act badly when they drink too much alcohol or take too many drugs when gaming.
The more love a game has, the worse its players are going to be.

When going online, it's better to either play independently, or in a private group of people you already know.
Open groups are by far the worst, I really have far more fun playing Mario Kart online with a small group of acquaintances than with a big group of all sorts of people.
The latter group is insulting you from all corners while the former just wants to have fun.

Another thing I noticed is the difference in demographics.
Japanese players are far more likely to make tournaments fit everybody's wishes than western players are.

In Japan if one person gets networking issues, the entire tournament starts from 0, times and dates get jointly decided in advance, etc.
In the west on the other hand I've noticed that people are more likely to stick to the times and dates the leader has decided for everybody, which mostly only take time zones into account, and networking issues means you've lost a match.
These games are not a walk in the park, they are competitive games. And when the going gets tough gamers can resort to all kinds of tactics and strategies just so they can win. But cooler heads are the ones that prevail and win in the end. Rational thinking can calm your gaming mode and you are able to think of better game plays and execute them in your own style of play and win.
These games are not a walk in the park, they are competitive games. And when the going gets tough gamers can resort to all kinds of tactics and strategies just so they can win. But cooler heads are the ones that prevail and win in the end. Rational thinking can calm your gaming mode and you are able to think of better game plays and execute them in your own style of play and win.
This is really true, Mario Kart players often think that a heavyweight character with max speed parts will guarantee their victory for 200% (already a very unrealistic thought when you know there are 11 other players with this exact same thought).
I use lightweight character and aim more towards acceleration instead, and I win most of the time from those heavyweights.
This is because while they believe in character and kart parts, I believe in proper strategies.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe comes with lots of strategies that can be utilised, both planned and unplanned (unplanned requires you to be able to come up with a strategy in less than a second), and yet people keep failing to see this fact.
I've been planning to make a video about that for 3 years now, but the issue is that I lack the time for that, and at the same time I continuously improve myself each time I play online, creating all new strategies and everything each time I'm about to lose.
I think they are toxic because they are so bad at the game. They just do stupid things because they actually cannot play the game great than others. Others are toxic because they feel like that they are the greatest player of all time. A lot of players are such an idiot, they will do anything to distract an opponent that beaten them. They are not a real player that wants to comeback whenever lose. People are like that now, hot-headed and dumb.