Why are there rude comments on some Technology websites?


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I think some people can be very dedicated to the technology like smartphones, social networks, and computers they use. Certain people who are very dedicates are can be more likely to become rude to people who talk badly of a smartphone, social networks, and computer brands which the rude person like to use. Comment section can get out of control where some people start calling other people ugly, dumb, and a racist name.

There is a possibility that some people who go on Technology websites mainly to troll the author of the content like article or online video, editor, and other commenters which the rude commenter dislikes, or the person he is trolling may have disrespected them offline or online in the past by arguing with them in the comment section, or in real-life when they did not get along well when they met at an Electronics Trade Show like CES, Computex, Electronics conferences, and website meet ups in real life.

There may also be some people who don't like women, foreigners, and people of certain political belief like conservatives, liberal, and socialist to be posting comments on a website, or using the same site as them for whatever reasons.
haters going to hate, you can put that on the ten commandments stones.
haters going to hate, you can put that on the ten commandments stones.

This is true. Haters are always going to hate especially on big websites with tons of readers and commenters because the haters have a huge audience which will read their hateful comments.
Honestly, it comes down to one thing:

Distance. When you know there's nothing someone can do about your behaviour, it becomes very tempting to become a jerkass.

And on the internet, distance is extremely apparent. For most commenters, they'll never meet the people who write the articles they're reading or film the videos they're watching. For them, they're about as real as a character in a video game, a construct whose existence seems tailor made to their entertainment.

So the inhibitions that stop them in real life (fear of being arrested, beaten up, etc) don't apply online. Anonymity doesn't change anything here either, Facebook is about as bad as anywhere else online is.
Honestly, it comes down to one thing:

Distance. When you know there's nothing someone can do about your behaviour, it becomes very tempting to become a jerkass.

And on the internet, distance is extremely apparent. For most commenters, they'll never meet the people who write the articles they're reading or film the videos they're watching. For them, they're about as real as a character in a video game, a construct whose existence seems tailor made to their entertainment.

So the inhibitions that stop them in real life (fear of being arrested, beaten up, etc) don't apply online. Anonymity doesn't change anything here either, Facebook is about as bad as anywhere else online is.

The distance part reminds me of people who call in on radio and TV shows, and act rudely, and hang up, or get cut off by the host when things get out of hand.

I think many rude tech blog commenters who comment on Technology blogs are more aware that the chance of being jailed or punished is also low for being arrested offline by the police for cyberbullying. There are many tech articles where caught cyberbullies on social networks do not have to go to jail, or pay the victim any money for bullying them. Some tech companies like IGN also have sexual harassment problems where the harassment lasted for months until it got exposed by other tech blogs, and the media, so some of these staff may also act poorly on other tech blogs like how they poorly treat women at work.

It may also be a cultural problem where men in other countries are rarely punished when making rude comments to women, and other men who are foreigners, or some social class like poor, gay, lesbian, transsexual, etc, so they act the same way on the Internet where there are people from countries who more easily get offended by cyberbullying.
Working at a tech company myself, I know there are 2 types of technical people: the people that know a lot, and the people that know better than you.
The people that know a lot are willing to take criticism, willing to further expand their knowledge, etc.
The people that know better than you are those who pretend to know literally everything, and try to rank you lower than they are if you only slightly have a different opinion.

And the unfortunate truth is, there are far more folks in the latter category than in the former.
And then those people get into a conflict, and that results in a big chain of rude comments that get extremer with every new comment.
Up to the point a difference in opinions can eventually escalate all the way to a racial keyboard war.
It is disappointing that there are people who pretend to know everything when the Internet, Windows, Linux, and UNIX is always changing when new Operating System and Software updates can change how things work. There would always be some tech workers and users which know more about a certain tech topic. The users who pretend to know everything can learn more skills, and fix tech related problems faster if they listen to different opinions.

Tech users on technical support forums and blogs can be very rude when they don't understand why it can take many hours to fix a tech problem they are having, or their computer will be very difficult or expensive to fix.

I think one of the reasons some tech blog don't allow commenting is that it is too hard to moderate the amount of rude comments which insult the author of the post, and other commenters for posting a comment which they disagree with.
Working at a tech company myself, I know there are 2 types of technical people: the people that know a lot, and the people that know better than you.
The people that know a lot are willing to take criticism, willing to further expand their knowledge, etc.
The people that know better than you are those who pretend to know literally everything, and try to rank you lower than they are if you only slightly have a different opinion.

And the unfortunate truth is, there are far more folks in the latter category than in the former.
And then those people get into a conflict, and that results in a big chain of rude comments that get extremer with every new comment.
Up to the point a difference in opinions can eventually escalate all the way to a racial keyboard war.

this is all too true.
There are obsessions for everything and people believe that, by using rude language they can make a point across....seriously that's childish and lame....I really don't have any words to describe it exactly.

Anyway, some people like some brands or stuff that they don't want others to point out their disadvantages at all.

So, may be that's why there are rude comments on some technology websites.
There are obsessions for everything and people believe that, by using rude language they can make a point across....seriously that's childish and lame....I really don't have any words to describe it exactly.

Anyway, some people like some brands or stuff that they don't want others to point out their disadvantages at all.

So, may be that's why there are rude comments on some technology websites.

the only thing I get out of rude language is either humor or frustration.
the only thing I get out of rude language is either humor or frustration.

Some of the rude language is funny on Yahoo Answers, and Reddit.

I think many readers with only beginner English skills can get frustrated by the amount of rude slang words on technology websites because online translation websites like Google Translate are still not very good.

I notice people who use rude language sometimes post many post or spam which can make the comment section longer to read which can be frustrating when you use the comment section to look for more information on a new software or electronic device. Some rude commenters also use annoying font, and capital letters which makes the comment section harder to read.