My best guest is because most ads are not important to the person watching the ad since a guy watching TV is not interested in cosmetic/make up ads unless he is planning to buy cosmetics for his girlfriend, mom, or friend as a gift.
There are people who don't like big companies like Wal-Mart, Apple, Microsoft, and Sony which advertise products online, TV, and Print, so they hate ads from certain companies or all big companies.
I guest there are also people who feel that ads and marketing is making them, and society spend too much money and time on stuff like iPads, vacations, and luxury products and services.
Because those things don't affect if were going to buy it that much, besides a lot of times the product will either be something not needed or to expensive. I'm not going to pay extra money to buy a new phone that has a couple of worthless add-ons.
Ads help pay for websites and TV shows like Google, Facebook, CBS, ABC, Oprah, Ellen, etc would earn less, so they can't hire as many actors, writers, and web designers for their company.
The Newspaper industry is suffering where newspapers closed because companies are switching to online and TV ads.
Plus, without ads, stores like Wal-Mart, Target, and Bestbuy probably have a lot less customers, so they can't afford to hire as many employees because costumers are not informed that there is a "Huge sale going on" by watching an Ad on TV, online, or print.
Ads also help people with money save money by telling them the right time to buy a product when there is a sale going on when people view them.