Why do people get bullied for being famous online, or wanting to be famous online?


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I think online celebrities with a lot of online followers get bullied for being famous online because some jealous bullies are jealous of online celebrities who have more online followers who listen to them and buy their stuff if an online celebrity sell stuff online. Online celebrities possibly have more money, and better stuff than online bullies which can lead to jealousy problems.

Some people may feel some online celebrities don't deserve to be famous online, so they bully online celebrities out of jealousy.

Some people may get bullied for saying they want to be more famous online because it can be considered a weird career/life goal to be an online celebrity who sings, act, or play games on Twitch. Plus, some people can get jealous when motivated people may have a better life than them because of making better choices, and set better goals.
Because there are people in this world that want to see things burn and be miserable. Being popular just gives them an outlet.
Because there are people in this world that want to see things burn and be miserable. Being popular just gives them an outlet.

It is too bad that there are people who want things to be miserable. There is less of a chance of being greatly punished for bullying online celebrities like bullying a real celebrity like The Rock/Dwayne Johnson, and Jackie Chan who may hire a lawyer to sue you, or use their fighting skills or tell their body guard to defend them from a bully.

But, there is still a chance that someone who is very popular, and post a screenshot of your bullying to Twitter and other sites where some of their more dedicated followers have the motivation and skills to find people's real address, phone number, and name to defend them in real life.
It's a combination of jealously, and some people just love being dicks to people online, and it's much easier when they have a large online presence. With "normal" celebrities, they probably just have a Twitter account, but internet celebrities have multiple social media accounts and their Youtube/Twitch/whatever accounts making it easier to fuck with them.
It's a combination of jealously, and some people just love being dicks to people online, and it's much easier when they have a large online presence. With "normal" celebrities, they probably just have a Twitter account, but internet celebrities have multiple social media accounts and their Youtube/Twitch/whatever accounts making it easier to fuck with them.

A lot of social media sites like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook take a long time to ban bullies, and spammers compared to other websites like an official celebrity website with mods, and admins. The slow time for banning bullies may make bullying more common on social sites.

Some normal celebrities mainly use their own official website to communicate with fans, and it is more difficult to bully them on their site because they hire moderators to delete trolls, bullies, and spammers if they have a forum or blog on their official website.

Normal celebrities may hire promotional worker to use Twitter, and other social media sites to promote their movies, and music, so mean messages may never be seen by a celebrity because they don't use their social accounts for non-business posts.
I didn't know that people get bullied for being famous. I hope others would realize how childish their acts are