Why do people hate yet love black?


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This could be a touchy topic but lets try it, when it comes to African American people, many will refer to them as blacks and have a hate for them.

Yet in this day in age where you can get all your devices and vehicles in colors, people seem to like the color black. Game consoles for example, I know many people who only want black systems and such and they could possibly hate black people.

What do you think of this contradiction? Could pointing it out lead to less racial hate?
Dude there is no comparison at all. It is a completely different subject between the two. And it is not relating the actual colour.

This may be inappropriate to say, i'm not sure, but for example my Xbox 360 console is black, however humans that are of a black origin are not truely of a black colour (there is the exception though). The majority, even African American are brown in colour.

I don't understand how you are even relating the topics of referring to humans as "blacks" and devices using the colour "black". They are completely different things, and one is truely "black" when the other is not.

Touchy subject, but honest opinion.
I think that Black is the more PC term since African American implies that you are of African descent which, all Blacks are not. There are Caribbean Blacks as well and they are erroneously called African American which they are not.

I think that there is also the issue between Africans, and Black Americans, and the idea that they don't want to be associated with them, but that is another issue entirely.

As for me personally, I identify myself as Black, even if it isn't biologically accurate as I don't subscribe to the "One Drop Rule" but I would prefer to be called Black as opposed to racial epithets, and I wouldn't prefer to be called African American, as I feel that it singles out one aspect of my heritage, when I'd rather embrace all. It would be like someone refering to me as a Native American, or Irish American anything else that is just as much apart of my heritage.

I wouldn't want to be called Negro either, it is condescending and that is mainly because of it negative connotations throughout history.

In most cases though, I'll either sarcastically say, Human, on government forms, or check every box there.
But you can't compare a human being referred to as "black" and whether other humans like or dislike blacks with humans liking devices that are of the colour black like an Xbox 360.
I don't think that is what he (or myself for that matter..) is doing..

I think it is along the lines of the confusion regarding the fact that people can hate Black people, but love Black devices, even though both use the same word "Black."

Much like, Black Power and White Power both using the word "Power" while mean the exact opposite from each other. The same can be said for Gay Pride and White Pride, and the fact that they both use the word "Pride."

In both of the latter examples, "Black Power" and "Gay Pride" are synonymous in the fact that both refer to tolerance and solidarity, but are polar opposites to "White Power" and "White Pride" which refer to discrimination and segregation, despite using the same words "Power" and "Pride."
But saying you hate black people but love a black xbox 360 isn't a contradiction.

The black reference to an xbox is about it's colour, although it's technically not a colour. But it's reference is to the colour only.

The black reference to humans is all about their origin.

There is no contradiction whatsoever.

It's like saying you hate a black russian (the dog variety) yet you love a black russian (the alcohol variety). Two very different things using the same words but absolutely no contradiction.
I get what you are saying. I think that in the examples I mentioned, there would be a legitimate contradiction and confusion but in the example he mentioned, there wouldn't be. It would be like comparing an orange (fruit) to an orange (object.)

I think that a better question would be why is there a contradiction between groups if they use the same words, and then use the examples I mentioned.

Still though, I can see how it could be thought of as contradictory at first, but after thinking about it further, you realize that it really isn't since one refers to the color of an object, while the refers to a group of people.

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Let me phrase it this way, a person says 'I hate black people.' and yet goes on to say, 'I only want my devices and items in black color.'

Is that not a contradiction?
No it is not a contradiction!

You are focusing on the wording too much!

When people refer to people as being black it's all about their origin. It's not about their actual colour considering their actual colour is brown (in most cases).

This is a contradiction.

Person A: "I don't like PS3 I only play Xbox 360."
Person B: "What console should I get"
Person A: "You should get a PS3"

Person A is contradicting their first comment with their second.

But someone saying I hate black people but I love the colour black is absolutely not a contradiction. You understand what a racist is right? Do you think racists are basically contradicting themselves all the time they get something that is coloured black? A racist hates black people because of their origin etc it's nothing to do with the actual colour black.
Over here, it's like a bad omen.
Still, it's a color than can charm many people. I don't really know, why people believe that it's a bad omen.