Why do some people insult cheap slower cars with less powerful engines and smaller size body?


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I think some people like manly men insult cheap cars like the Ford Focus because they feel the cars are not designed for macho and tough guys because small cars are affordable car which has a less powerful engine which uses less gas and run slower. Plus, they may feel driving cheap cars with a cheap price tag will make them look poor.
I've honestly never understood other guys and their obsession with cars. As long as my car works and gets me where I need to go, I don't really care. My only real optional requirements is that it's 4 door, because 2 doors make it harder to get things and people in the back, and it has a tape player so I can hook up my phone. Sadly, my current car doesn't have that, just a CD player, but it works just as well.
I never understood why we need powerhouse cars, isn't the max speed limit in the states like 80 on some highways?
I never understood why we need powerhouse cars, isn't the max speed limit in the states like 80 on some highways?
True. Here the max speed limit, to my knowledge, is 75. The only exception I can think of is pro car racing and I still think it's too dangerous for that.
For some reason people from the US, Canada, and UK are extremely competitive with everything It's not just cars. The main reason for acceptance and it's extremely noticeable in the dating world. Not tall enough, skinny enough, buff enough, not smart enough, rich enough, etc.

It will only end when they create live breathing robot women and google auto driving cars for everyone.
I never understood why we need powerhouse cars, isn't the max speed limit in the states like 80 on some highways?

I think some people like Fast cars because they want to be like James Bond, Batman, and other fictional characters which have fast cars. Some people like to use their fast cars as a way to increase their chances of dating women and men, and to impress their friends, family, and strangers.

I think if you rarely leave a large city, you mostly be stuck in traffic jams, school, park, and narrow roads which has slower speed limits.

The max speed limits are about 75 mph on some Highways where I live.

For some reason people from the US, Canada, and UK are extremely competitive with everything It's not just cars. The main reason for acceptance and it's extremely noticeable in the dating world. Not tall enough, skinny enough, buff enough, not smart enough, rich enough, etc.

It will only end when they create live breathing robot women and google auto driving cars for everyone.

I agree men dating women can be one of the reason for men to buy faster cars. Faster cars do look nicer, and can attract more straight women who are interested in men.

There is a chance robotic women may also care about how much money, and stuff you have, if the inventer of the robot women uses them to make money by sending the mens' money and stuff to the inventer.
Not really the case here in Europe.
As far as I know, Americans are more likely to show status by having more expensive stuff.
But here in Europe, you'll only lose friends by doing so, because as soon as they see they have less money than you have, they will most likely get so jealous, that they don't want to be your friend any more.

And another reason is that having cars in Europe aren't as much of requirement than it is in America, since it's much easier to travel mainly by public transportation, by bicycle, or even by walking over here than it is in America.
I don't even have a drivers license, and I'll be 26 years old in just 3 months from now.
I did try to get one, but the government would rather rape me for over 6000 euros than to honestly pass my practical exam. (・_・)
Why do people, not just men, like fast cars? It doesn't necessarily have to do with machismo or anything like that. (For some maybe.) Really it's the same reason people like anything... Because they have a preference for it. And it's like anything people will always judge others by what they buy/own. Whether it's an Xbox vs PS, Android vs iOS, Dodge vs Ford, whatever...

Though when it comes to fast cars there is also typically other factors involved. They are often equipped with more luxury aspects (heated leather seats, media centre, etc...) compared to an entry level vehicle. There is also the fact some people like the sound of the higher power engines. (I'll admit that hearing a Dodge Challenger or Ford Mustang starting has a much more appealing sound than a Hyundai Elantra. Same way as a Ram or F150 sounds better than a Ridgeline. Trucks though are a bit different because the larger engines/higher horsepower is necessary for towing. )
Some people also just like having expensive "toys" as they are very much status symbols.
True. Here the max speed limit, to my knowledge, is 75. The only exception I can think of is pro car racing and I still think it's too dangerous for that.

we're talking about regular cars though, not racing cars so I am confused why normal cars need 120 speed abilities.
we're talking about regular cars though, not racing cars so I am confused why normal cars need 120 speed abilities.

I think having a normal car with 120 speed ability makes some people feel theybare having mire fun while driving fast. Having a fast normal car, is one of the requirements to join exclusive car clubs where members need to own cars like a Honda Fit which can go 100-130 mph according to Fit owners.

There are many unresponsible people who illegally drive quickly and drag race on public roads for fun while risking their life, and other drivers and pedestrians lives while they drive fast for fun.