Why do you post on forums?


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Full GL Member
I am a member on many forums and I visit those forums to discuss and learn new things about life. What is the reason that you post on forums?
I post on forums to exist and to be heard. Also to avoid all the nonsense the average social media can throw at you to be mad about.
I like forums because I can learn more about topics like gaming, and also give my opinion on different topics. I also like how forum websites look because most forums have different sections for finding topics about a certain section easier.
I like forums because I can learn more about topics like gaming, and also give my opinion on different topics. I also like how forum websites look because most forums have different sections for finding topics about a certain section easier.

That's me. I visit most gaming forums to find out more about gaming news and many more.
I feel a lot of people go on forums because most smaller forums don't have a lot of advertising and sponsored posts.

There may also be fewer forum members who work for companies who post promotional posts which overly praise a product like a game even if the game is not very good.
I feel a lot of people go on forums because most smaller forums don't have a lot of advertising and sponsored posts.

There may also be fewer forum members who work for companies who post promotional posts which overly praise a product like a game even if the game is not very good.

I honestly don't like paid reviews. You have to play these games before giving a review and this is what I don't like with some of those reviews.
My main goal of being on forums, is to enjoy the company of people who don't want to use social media to chat, and to be able to also use forums to learn about stuff that I would otherwise probably not look up, if someone didn't post about it.
I've met & made several friends while being on forums. I like learning & growing in life. Forums provide that. Social media doesn't.
I use forums mainly to escape from the real world, like life and personal things. If I can turn my brain off and just chat with people from all over the world, that's my happy place.
I post on forums because its a topic-focused portal for discussion. I miss those days when the focus was more on the things we talk about, rather than the people talking about them. Social media is way more self-focused, and so, narcissism and celebrity-worship thrives there. You have feeds filled with someone photographing a plate of food, and taking 90 degree angled photos of themselves and getting hundreds -or even thousands- of likes, without ever saying anything worth talking about.

Also, forums are still useful, especially for problem solving. Social media is effectively useles for everyone who isn't an advertiser. When's the last time you got helpful advice on twitter? Have you ever gotten tech support on Instagram?
I post and play around on forums because it's less toxic then what you get from social media. The engagement level in forums is better than social media. Discussions on forums are better and more constructive. It's why I like using forums.