Why does Swapnote have that really cheesy romantic type "Italian Restaurant Lady and the Tramp spagh

Maybe to make the game more uh, original/fun. After all, the old man thing instructor is old.
Also, is Nintendo the only one out of Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft that ever put things like:
"Don't get tired. Make sure to take regular breaks" in the middle of games like Super Mario 3D Land? Or are they like "Play the game all the time, forget about sleep"?
Probably, because it's them that'll get blamed if someone goes blind or something. They gotta have some kind of defense.
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I like the cutesy-ness to it. It makes for a good chuckle or smile every now and then.
No, Call of Duty games have an option which forces the player to take a break in single player mode on PS3. It's because people believe companies are making their money out of people who are addicted to gaming. Which isn't true...