Why does the Sonic series have the worst fanbase ever?


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I never got that, how a simple 2D platformer franchise can have a fandom so utterly broken (and so delusional in every way) that they're sometimes seen to personify everything wrong with video games.

What caused that? What makes it so say, Sonic's fandom is often insane but Mario or Zelda or Halo or whatever has a relatively normal set of fans?

Why do crazy people seem to be attracted to the franchise like moths to a light bulb?
This is a question that will always be unexplained. I love me some good ol' Sonic games but do not associate myself with the "fandom" because they seem to just shovel SEGA praise they do not deserve. I'm not a big fan of the Sonic fanbase or self proclaimed "artists" who do nothing but draw recolored sonic characters, but that's just personal gripe. That being said I enjoy my fair share of Sonic games (own most of the wii titles as well), but prefer to play other games as I know most of those games are sub par at best.
I think Sonic fans expect too much of the game and ruin it for themselves when it doesn't reach their expectations. Look at Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. These games are amazing in both story and gameplay, but the Sonic fanbase forces hate on them when they don't deserve it. They expect every game to be like Sonic 1, 2, and 3 or Sonic Adventure 2. Heck made Sonic the Hedgehog 4, which looks just like Sonic 1, 2, and 3, and they still complained about it.
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Look at Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. These games are amazing in both story and gameplay, but the Sonic fanbase forces hate on them when they don't deserve it.

Those games are terrible examples to make your point. They're such bad examples, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Heck made Sonic the Hedgehog 4, which looks just like Sonic 1, 2, and 3, and they still complained about it.

Sonic 4 was basd off rush's engine so the physics were completely different. It's still a fun game though
sonic sucks horribly i hate the series by alot. i hate the whole sega company. those sega fans are all crazy like they're on drugs or they have LTS or they saw sonic.exe. :sonic: :banana:
Look at Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. These games are amazing in both story and gameplay, but the Sonic fanbase forces hate on them when they don't deserve it.

Those games are terrible examples to make your point. They're such bad examples, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm being serious. They're two of my top 3 favorite Sonic games. The other being Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. They're probably the best of the series and everyone is just so ignorant about it. I mean I never had as much fun playing Sonic as I did when playing Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog because they're both unique. I mean a bad example would be Sonic Colors, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Unleased. Those are probably the worst Sonic games I can think of.
Look at Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. These games are amazing in both story and gameplay, but the Sonic fanbase forces hate on them when they don't deserve it.

Those games are terrible examples to make your point. They're such bad examples, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm being serious. They're two of my top 3 favorite Sonic games. The other being Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. They're probably the best of the series and everyone is just so ignorant about it. I mean I never had as much fun playing Sonic as I did when playing Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog because they're both unique. I mean a bad example would be Sonic Colors, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Unleased. Those are probably the worst Sonic games I can think of.

Colours saved the series how is it bad?
I think 06 was not that bad, but it has some seriously awful problems. I am a fan of the Adventure series and I also liked Sonic 4 Episode 1 and 2. The only Sonic games I dont like are Colors and Lost World. Colors just had too much platforming for a 3D Sonic game and it really took away from the enjoyment. Lost World when I played it just did not feel like a Sonic game. I do blame the Sonic fan community because they were the ones that keep asking for these games and then they arent pleased. Its just a big mess when it comes to the Sonic fanbase.
Look at Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. These games are amazing in both story and gameplay, but the Sonic fanbase forces hate on them when they don't deserve it.

Those games are terrible examples to make your point. They're such bad examples, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

I'm being serious. They're two of my top 3 favorite Sonic games. The other being Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. They're probably the best of the series and everyone is just so ignorant about it. I mean I never had as much fun playing Sonic as I did when playing Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog because they're both unique. I mean a bad example would be Sonic Colors, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Unleased. Those are probably the worst Sonic games I can think of.

Colours saved the series how is it bad?

The wisps are just the worst thing ever. I mean granted I've never played Colors, but I've played Sonic Generations, which has Planet Wisp, which turned me off of Sonic Colors so fast. They're akward to control and that in the newer Sonic game. I'd hate to think about how they work in a game made a year or two before.
You can't judge a game you haven't played and anyway Planet Wisp is the Sandopolis of Generations

I basically played it through Generations. Wisp powers are Wisp powers. They don't change from how they worked in Colors, I'm sure. Actually if they're supposed to work better in Generations, then they really, really suck.
Okay i am a sonic fan, but Sonic 06 was awful I mean the graphics were good but the game itself had the most awkward story; and why did Sonic kiss a HUMAN GIRL know what I mean XD but ya. My favorite game of all time is Generations for it's plentiful stages, GREAT remixes i was expecting to be horrible (even got one on my ipod) and FAST. Like, REALLY FAST gamelay which is why I loved Sonic before; it was just begging for 60fps tho :( either way: City Escape is my all-time favorte Sonic stage it holds so many memories and I just love it and SA2 altogether; known the game since it's launch too and the SG version was boss. So yeah: some Sonic fans need to do what i do and just take in moments like that :) and not bitch about everything know what I'm sayin; and if SEGA made better choices they would be at the ninth gen of gaming right now I mean remember how far ahead the Dreamcast was? Saturn was alright; wish that Castlevania port was in English tho so I could play as Maria. And that they didn't PORT it. But yeah: Sonic was big in my childhood and I hope one as good as Generations comes out someday; I look forward to it :)
Okay i am a sonic fan, but Sonic 06 was awful I mean the graphics were good but the game itself had the most awkward story; and why did Sonic kiss a HUMAN GIRL know what I mean XD but ya. My favorite game of all time is Generations for it's plentiful stages, GREAT remixes i was expecting to be horrible (even got one on my ipod) and FAST. Like, REALLY FAST gamelay which is why I loved Sonic before; it was just begging for 60fps tho :( either way: City Escape is my all-time favorte Sonic stage it holds so many memories and I just love it and SA2 altogether; known the game since it's launch too and the SG version was boss. So yeah: some Sonic fans need to do what i do and just take in moments like that :) and not bitch about everything know what I'm sayin; and if SEGA made better choices they would be at the ninth gen of gaming right now I mean remember how far ahead the Dreamcast was? Saturn was alright; wish that Castlevania port was in English tho so I could play as Maria. And that they didn't PORT it. But yeah: Sonic was big in my childhood and I hope one as good as Generations comes out someday; I look forward to it :)

Why does everyone always use the argument "Sonic kissed a human." First she kissed him, two she did it as a plot point. There's really nothing wrong with it anyway. People just over reacted, but it's really no big deal. I mean would you really want to see her giving Sonic CPR? That sounds boring. At least a kiss is interesting.

As for City Escape, I remember that my friend brought over Sonic Adventure 2 Battle so he could show me Chaos and stuff. Then we found out that there was a last story that he didn't know about it. So we co-oped it to where I would play as Shadow and he would play as Sonic. So when the characters switched we pass the controller back and forth. So I never actually "beat" SA2B just the last story. So the only stage I play in the game, besides Shadow's City level, is City Escape. Mainly because of the music.
Why does everyone always use the argument "Sonic kissed a human." First she kissed him, two she did it as a plot point. There's really nothing wrong with it anyway. People just over reacted, but it's really no big deal. I mean would you really want to see her giving Sonic CPR? That sounds boring. At least a kiss is interesting.

As for City Escape, I remember that my friend brought over Sonic Adventure 2 Battle so he could show me Chaos and stuff. Then we found out that there was a last story that he didn't know about it. So we co-oped it to where I would play as Shadow and he would play as Sonic. So when the characters switched we pass the controller back and forth. So I never actually "beat" SA2B just the last story. So the only stage I play in the game, besides Shadow's City level, is City Escape. Mainly because of the music.

Well, I just thought it was weird they kissed. And yup that's the only reason I play City Escape that music is just classic and it holds way to many memories of playing it dozens upon dozens of times as a kid; like the SA2 Demo on PSN is enough for me I don't need the full game since it included City Escape XD