Why Extra Credits is Wrong About ‘Normalisation’ in Video Games

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Recently, game design channel Extra Credits put out a rather controversial video on YouTube. Themed around ‘normalisation’ and its supposed effects on video game players, the video quickly became the source of much mockery, in most part due to how it fell into the same traps as conservative and feminist critiques of video game content. […]

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pretty good article in reply to the video, its good food for thought.
Extracredits hasn't been relative to gaming since gamergate began back in 2014. They sided with leigh alexander and the anti-gaming media to attack gamers. (For record, leigh alexander was one "journalist" who participated in the numerous articles all dropping on the same day that was later revealed to be a part of a secret mailing list called "gamejournopros" to allow journalists to collude in secret to all share the same narratives.) They never even tried to look into the situation and see if there was any truth. They simply sided with their "friend" and doubled down on the gamergate is bad/is harassing women nonsense. And for a show that always seemed to pride itself on thoughtful discussion it was a vast departure and one that made future episodes a mockery and nigh-unwatchable. (How do you trust them to tell the truth when you've seen them openly lie and misrepresent things?)

So it doesn't surprise me now that, 5 years later, they're still following that trainwreck called "social justice". Hopefully they end up like anita sarkeesian... broke and effectively banished from gaming.