Why I refuse to vote


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Alright people, it's the golden week that happens only once every 4 years. That's right, it's the end of the elections and the politicians can STFU for a year. So right now people are telling you to vote and I say hell no.

The USA is a good nation, somewhat. But our government is messed up, corrupted and doesn't seem to do much for the people these days. Why should I vote for that? Let's take this election for example, what do you see on tvs and other ads? Both president runners blasting each other with negative ads. Which I hope are true (which most likely isn't) since they spent about 4 billion to air all of them. I'm simply not going to vote for something like that and in the end when they screw up I can at least say I didn't vote for that. And with our nation in debt, why are they spending so much? Don't make much sense to me but if you ask me the president shouldn't need to go on the road to ask for votes as just doing his job should get them.

My next reason is because it's pointless. The true election happens with congress for if people in congress are against the elected president it's just four years of dead lock with American not getting anything from it. The much needed farm bill anyone or passing the health care bill?

Another reason is that our government is too over loaded for one man. There is the health care issue, energy issue, debt, and all the other daily stuff like disasters and war. I wouldn't feel right sending one man to face all that as I know I couldn't handle it.

Needless to say, till I see someone saying they will enter office to do what he can for the American people I can't see myself voting.

So what are your thoughts on voting?
I think that if a person doesn't vote, then they haven't a right to bitch about anything in this country, and certain ethnic groups deciding not to vote are spitting on the graves of those who came before them and fought for their right to vote and should realize that, if not for them, their lives would have been a hell of a lot harder because of it and the actions of those who voted when they could not. There were Whites that have sided with Blacks during the Civil Rights movement in the 60's and voted when Blacks could not yet do so, to end the segregation and discrimination.

I've felt the same way, and at the end of the day, I still voted anyway. I get tired of the bullshit as much as anyone but i also know the bullshit from facts as well. There was a lot of cock-blockery and abuse of the checks and balances system in our gov't. going on amongst the current administration, and they've had to face challenges that were unique to them because of both it and the mess left over from the previous administrations.. and that was why that a lot of the previous campaign promises didn't get fulfilled. It wasn't as simple as promising something, and then not doing it, and it would have been just as unrealistic to expect a complete 180, in 4 years, as it would've been to expect a complete recovery in the post-Katrina regions overnight.

I think that the only way for the things to get done the way we need them to be is if we vote to cut the salaries of politicians and vacation days and perks and make sure that they are only paid for the work they do and have done and they should be subject to the same work requirements as we are. If we don't get as many days off, perks, etc., then neither should they. They should be answering to us, not the other way around.
I agree, and I also think that it was a bit naive of the president to expect bipartisan cooperation. It would be like taking over a company whose staff is loyal to the former CEO.

Sometimes, you have to clean house and start over in order to get things done, if not, you will have those employees who are loyal to their former boss, impeding any progress you try to make in an effort to make you look bad.
But if all the choices are crap, why bother because you know you are screwed regardless?

Anyway, my biggest irk is how important people make voting the president out to be. The guy realistically has little power because the people really running the country are the people behind the doors, the ones we don't know about, but I guess this is another argument.
There is power in numbers DS. That has always been the case.. it is always about the bigger picture.

Let's look at that donation fund for the bullied bus monitor, sure 1 person might have said, "What is my measly $1 going to do?" after they have donated it, but the fact remains, is that they still did and others who did the same ended up helping her to retire with more than $700k.

Now, let's look at the petition that was raised to ensure that her money remains tax-free. Again, one person might have said to themselves, "what's my one signature going to do?" after they had already signed it, but the fact remains that they still signed the petition and the bus monitor was able to keep her money tax-free.

Voting works the same way.

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If you don't vote then you only have to accept what comes because you did nothing to influence anything.

There is no denying this.

But if all the choices are crap, why bother because you know you are screwed regardless?

Anyway, my biggest irk is how important people make voting the president out to be. The guy realistically has little power because the people really running the country are the people behind the doors, the ones we don't know about, but I guess this is another argument.

Another good point, we are voting for our commander chief meaning our big war person. He makes a few laws and looks good as the head of the country and not much else.

I do feel there is no way that this country has survived as long as it has by giving power to some random person every 4 years.

There is power in numbers DS. That has always been the case.. it is always about the bigger picture.

Let's look at that donation fund for the bullied bus monitor, sure 1 person might have said, "What is my measly $1 going to do?" after they have donated it, but the fact remains, is that they still did and others who did the same ended up helping her to retire with more than $700k.

Now, let's look at the petition that was raised to ensure that her money remains tax-free. Again, one person might have said to themselves, "what's my one signature going to do?" after they had already signed it, but the fact remains that they still signed the petition and the bus monitor was able to keep her money tax-free.

Voting works the same way.

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Ummm, no. The election is a whole lot different as people are all over the place with their opinion and can't seem to come together these days to fix what needs to be fixed. Where as one bullied lady would get the support of the whole world because she was bullied.

And power of numbers don't work in election either, didn't seem to help the wall street protest people and if anyone gathers against the president they will be met with arm force or money bribe.
DS, the reason people cannot come together, is because the media is what creates the division, which creates ratings, and most people are too lazy and stupid to see that much. The media has always done that, its why race relations are STILL fucked up in this country. That is the major reason I get my news from overseas, from places like BBC which seem to be in line with CNN (which has been criticized as Liberal media, when MSNBC has that honor for the Liberals, and ties Fox for their bias toward the Conservatives) and American sources like CNN and PBS, where they are a lot more unbiased than typical American media.

Furthermore, many people have a problem accepting the current president because he is obviously not like the other ones before. That is evidenced from the racist paraphernalia that has been passed around since before his run for office years ago. They just don't want to admit it, because they know that once they do, many people, including those who are legitimately against him, will roll their eyes and stop listening in the same way that everyone rolls their eyes and stops listening whenever PETA, WBC, KKK, etc., starts up their shit.

As out of touch as baby Bush was during the 8 years that he was at the wheel, no one has ever questioned whether he was born here, singled out his middle name, questioned his ethnicity, changed his name, and overall been so condescending toward the man. They have even gone so far as personally attacking Obama's family, calling his mother a slut. Despite the fact that his MOTHER was an American, and he was born here, they say that he is not. Despite the fact that his mother was White, and his father was from Kenya, they say that he is Black, therefore completely, and conveniently ignoring his American heritage. They refer to him as Black, when in truth, he is bi-racial, and Kenyan-American, and isn't so different from the people here of similar origin. People still hold on to the "One Drop Rule" no matter how illogical, racist, and stupid it really is.

Nothing he has done or has tried to do has been right with these people, he got Bin Laden, people criticized him for that and said that Bin Laden should have had a trial, he tried to close Gitmo, and make good on his promise to have free healthcare, but faced a lot of opposition from his cabinet in trying to make that happen, so much so, that he has had no choice but to go back on his campaign promise.

The promise in which, he said that he would not be pandering to special interests groups or lobbying, and wanted bipartisan cooperation, when that is exactly what he has had to do because he wasn't getting that cooperation, and had to pander to these groups, because it was what they wanted in exchange for their vote on the policies that he was trying to push forward, and the thing is, even then, he has had to severely modify his original plans for that to even happen because both the Senate and House were looking out for the special groups and businesses that they get contributions from, rather than the people who voted for them to represent their beliefs in office. The unemployment is lower now than when he took office, and the economy IS improving, sure, it took some time, and wouldn't be improved overnight, and we've a long way to go something he indicated in his December 2008 speech as a President-Elect, when he said that it would get worse, before it gets better, and it has, and people are criticizing him about that too.

For crying out loud, the former FEMA head, you know, the one who did such a stellar job when baby Bush was in office, during hurricane Katrina, actually criticized Obama for responding "too quickly" to hurricane Sandy. I mean really, just what did this asshole want Obama to do? Wait until the stench of rotting corpses in Staten Island, Breezy Point, and NJ could be smelled in other parts of the country? Or did he just want him to drop the ball where Sandy was concerned, in the same way that he and Bush did with Katrina 7 years ago?

The reason there hasn't been any noticeable changes, is not just because it takes a while, which, it does, but it is also because the parties refuse to work together, especially when it is for the benefit of their constituents, and only care about themselves, and the people are so stupid, that they will easily believe whatever insultingly blatant biased media source will tell them, instead of learning for themselves. It is pretty sad that people overseas seem to be better informed on what is going on over here, than most Americans are. Many of the reasons why people overseas hate Americans, is the fact that many are ignorant, and also because the people here elected Bush twice. To that end, they also don't even understand WHY Romney is even on the ballot in the first place, yet many Americans are and have been stupid enough to vote for him.

Many people are as lazy as they are willfully stupid and they would rather settle for the bullshit and pea-brained opinions of so called leaders that the media feeds them, rather than going out and educating themselves. With this being the case, it is exactly why politicians have gotten away with the bullshit that they do now, and have done in the past.

In short, the reason for the bullshit, and the shit that politicians that get away with, lie with the people who stupidly vote them into office, and go on whatever biased media source like Fox,and opinions from "leaders" like Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Bill O' Reilly and Rush Limbaugh instead of educating themselves. I mean, there is a valid reason why Fox viewers are the less informed compared to those who don't watch the news at all.
Hell of a rant BA and nice job. I googled what you said about the FEMA person and your right:


I want to know why I never herd of it till now. Because even with Obama acting quickly there hasn't been much relief has there?
Sorry.. no rant intended ..

But yeah I wouldnt go as far as saying that there isn't any relief. S.I. residents are getting relief as are the Rockaways and Breezy Point. The subway system is about 90% restored and so far the one line that is the most severely affected is the A line which is not only the longest subway line in NYC, but it is the only one that serves the Rockaways. Breezy Point is the farthest point West on the map below and directly South of Brooklyn. The Rockaways are between where the train lines end and Breezy Point to the West. If you were to look at a topographical map of the area, you'd see that they are not only at low elevation, but much of the area is wetlands and marsh.


We are also getting more gas because despite the port being opened by the Coast Guard, people are still buying gas in a panic. Mr. Nest was on a mile long line near our house from 9:30am to 2:30pm and the DoD has set up fuel tankers at different armories throughout the city and in Long Island, each containing 5000 gallons of fuel with an additional 150,000 gallons of fuel where people can get fill up for free. The caveat is that each customer is limited to 10 gallons.

Also power is coming back on throughout the city and Con Ed has been doing a great job with that as are the NYPD in getting the looting situation under control as well. S.I. and the Rockaways are at a geographical disadvantage compared to the rest of the boroughs and that is why their situation is more dire but they are getting help, not only from the government and the Red Cross and different charities and agencies but from each other. There are people from the unaffected parts of S.I. that are stepping up to the plate and doing their share to help out.

These are not only businesses giving away food and other goods but civilians as well preparing meals from home and donating clothes and offering up their generators to people shouldnt that they can charge their devices. So people are getting the help they need and from various sources.

The reason you havent heard anything about this, was covered in the first part of my post. Reporting on that would generate the same ire from both groups. That would be a form of unity even it its simplistic form and that would not generate ratings. So it is more convenient to simply omit the truth rather than report it for the sake of keeping a certain agenda alive.

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I think Obama has kept most of his promises while others are in the works.. in his speeches, he emphasizes that they must finish what he started while highlighting what he has accomplished as well. I know Romney has dodged questions regarding FEMA and Ryan has resorted to using religion in his attacks on Obama saying that he would compromise Judeo-Christian values.

If you are talking about the hurricane, Obama has been sending the support where it needs to be and has been working with the city to get things done. Also, many of the people who were here for the marathon have run out to Staten Island instead and are helping with the relief there.


I read that Romney had his entourage to buy $5k worth of granola bars and other goods and had strangers hand them to him for a photo op to make it seem as though he is helping out with the hurricane effort.



He has yet to be seen in New York or any of the places hardest hit by Sandy.
Whether you yourself vote or not, means nothing. Even if you don't vote a president will still be picked, so you should at least vote for the one you want.
I'm talking more like their plans on how to fix the economy or health care like they claim. Because they say it but never say how they will do it right?

According to this, Obama has kept most of his promises and has had to compromise on some as well. So far, 374 out of 508 or 74% of his campaign promises have been Kept, Compromised, or are in the works.

The Obameter Scorecard
Promise Kept 193 (38%)
Compromise 79 (16%)
Promise Broken 88 (17%)
Stalled 44 (9%)
In the Works 102 (20%)
Not yet rated 2 (0%)

I'm not from US, but the most interesting part is from the past 16yrs there has not been much changed the way the Gov't operates no matter who wins.

I won't vote in Canada because it doesn't really matter. Nothing will change much.