Why is Call of Duty most popular on Microsoft consoles?


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It's on both Xbox systems and Playstation systems, yet for whatever reason, it seems like everyone I know who buys the game gets it for an Xbox one.

Why is that? Why is it more popular on Microsoft's consoles than say, Sony's? Or on PC?
That is an interesting question. Although the bigger question is, why is 100% of all Call of Duty fan(boys) literally always 12 year old faggots who claim that they are hardcore gamers, yet ironically, every single Call of Duty fanboy ever, is actually 500000 times more immature than a so-called "casual" gamer, (read: Nintendo fan)?
That is an interesting question. Although the bigger question is, why is 100% of all Call of Duty fan(boys) literally always 12 year old faggots who claim that they are hardcore gamers, yet ironically, every single Call of Duty fanboy ever, is actually 500000 times more immature than a so-called "casual" gamer, (read: Nintendo fan)?
I take so many degrees of offense to that post, that I honestly don't know where to begin. For one, you try to sell yourself off as more mature despite insulting people, which proves the exact opposite. Secondly, yes, I do hear an occasional child in the lobby but not very often. Then again, the 'hardcore' gamers aren't on core mode with the majority of children, they are on the aptly named hardcore mode. Then again, I don't play - and never will until Nintendo fixes a lot of things - on a Nintendo console; aka a console geared toward children.

To answer the question, the Xbox controller has actual triggers, thus allowing for a much more comfortable gun-play feel and faster trigger / firing rate for those of us who can mod-lock a gun by bursting the entire magazine in under a second. Seriously, my friend who plays paintball showed me how to hold the trigger with the tip of my finger to rapid fire so fast it literally causes the game to think I am using a mod and prevents me from firing for the rest of the life or round. Can't do that on a PS3 and I have not tried on a PS4, but I'll tell you that my fingers go numb using the PS4 triggers when playing minecraft, so I can imagine Call of Duty to numb them faster. I'd also like to think that Xbox One's bandwidth is superior to the PS4's because Xbox 360 had little to no lag, PS3 had horrible lag, and Wii was damned-near non-playable.

As for the console versus PC, I'd say it is a mix of consoles don't have to worry about upgrading graphics cards to play the latest games, and how many CoD games come out. I only play the ones by TreyArch, but Infinity Ward makes about one every 6 months to a year. That'd be some pricey PC upkeep in order to keep playing them.
To answer the question, the Xbox controller has actual triggers, thus allowing for a much more comfortable gun-play feel and faster trigger / firing rate for those of us who can mod-lock a gun by bursting the entire magazine in under a second. Seriously, my friend who plays paintball showed me how to hold the trigger with the tip of my finger to rapid fire so fast it literally causes the game to think I am using a mod and prevents me from firing for the rest of the life or round. Can't do that on a PS3 and I have not tried on a PS4, but I'll tell you that my fingers go numb using the PS4 triggers when playing minecraft, so I can imagine Call of Duty to numb them faster. I'd also like to think that Xbox One's bandwidth is superior to the PS4's because Xbox 360 had little to no lag, PS3 had horrible lag, and Wii was damned-near non-playable.

As for the console versus PC, I'd say it is a mix of consoles don't have to worry about upgrading graphics cards to play the latest games, and how many CoD games come out. I only play the ones by TreyArch, but Infinity Ward makes about one every 6 months to a year. That'd be some pricey PC upkeep in order to keep playing them.

I'd also go so far as to say that because shooters tend to be popular on microsoft consoles, they make themselves more popular on Microsoft consoles. Just like how Cheat says everyone he knows buys them for Xbox, when I think Xbox, I think shooters. Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor, these games I tend to associate with the console, when I think 'Xbox'. I feel like their own popularity and the way Microsoft tends to advertise for things, creates a cycle in which it makes people who are fond of the genre be more inclined to get Xbox, which in turn, makes them even more associatable with Microsoft/Xbox.
I'd also go so far as to say that because shooters tend to be popular on microsoft consoles, they make themselves more popular on Microsoft consoles. Just like how Cheat says everyone he knows buys them for Xbox, when I think Xbox, I think shooters. Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor, these games I tend to associate with the console, when I think 'Xbox'. I feel like their own popularity and the way Microsoft tends to advertise for things, creates a cycle in which it makes people who are fond of the genre be more inclined to get Xbox, which in turn, makes them even more associatable with Microsoft/Xbox.
This is also very true. Again, Microsoft has said when they created the original Xbox they were setting out to make a console that is close to PC gaming, and PC gaming was mostly FPS games at the time. I think along similar lines as you do with Xbox. I often think of FPS games and third-person shooters like Mass Effect and Gears of War. When I think Playstation I still picture the side-scroll Castlevanias, older Tomb Raiders, Prince of PErsia and everything from the PSX and PS2 eras, even though I know that is mostly incorrect, though. Nintendo I think 'brightly colored platformers' and nothing else, really; unless we are talking handheld.
The Xbox 360 has tons of FPS games and the controller is better for them since it was designed for FPS games. The Halo series was by far the most popular game on the original Xbox so when designing the 360 they spent a lot of times making sure they didn't ruin their cash cow. For example they moved two buttons from the face of the controller to the top (LB and RB) as so many complained about them on the original xbox controllers.

Call of Duty took off because COD4 was just so much fun to play, was well balanced (for the most part), and was easy to pick up and learn. Plus, it's a game designed around small maps and twitch shooting. It just came out at the right time when tons of people were either getting broadband for the first time or getting into xbox live/other console online networks.

Call of Duty now a days actually isn't that bad as long as you find a game you like (most prefer Black Ops 2, I prefer Ghosts for the hit detection). Even the older ones would still be played more often if there were not so many people running around using exploits on them. Microsoft and publishers need to get better about providing patches for these older games.

I never really got into COD that much and always played it as a casual player. Left 4 Dead 1 was the game I preferred for many years, I got very good at it and was playing with the top players in the world almost every night. Sadly, Valve took the dedicated servers offline for that game, then people figured out how to do ISO mods, plus there are many known exploits that we never got a patch for.

Add all that together and it is almost not even worth booting up anymore, especially when all I can find are versus games hosted by some guy in India. Sometimes it's like playing on dial-up, I try hosting my own lobbies but they are so hard to fill up because people won't stay for longer than 30 seconds before searching for another game.

So I started playing Ghosts just because at the time Advanced Warfare hadn't come out. At first I was rusty but eventually I was going 15-2, 25-1, 20-4 almost every round in Team Deathmatch. I very rarely ever go negative in a game now unless I'm playing against a party and my team is full of publics that aren't good. Even in those games I manage to hold me own even though the other team is constantly calling out my position. I rarely have a bad time playing since I mute the kids, mute the obvious assholes, and add players that are decent and seem chill on the mic. Eventually I had a couple of friends I could run around with in public games and we always had a blast win or lose.

I doubt I could play it at a "pro" level right now because I only play like three times of a month. But if I had the time to practice and a few wiling to teach me the differences I'm sure I could hold my own there as well.

Oh one last thing: Call of Duty games aren't popular on PC because they are often badly ported and don't get much support. Plus they never go down in price much even when they're on sale. Most PC FPS fans avoid Call of Duty and play something like Counter Strike, TF2, Left 4 Dead, or Unreal/Quake instead.
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I'd also go so far as to say that because shooters tend to be popular on microsoft consoles, they make themselves more popular on Microsoft consoles. Just like how Cheat says everyone he knows buys them for Xbox, when I think Xbox, I think shooters. Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor, these games I tend to associate with the console, when I think 'Xbox'. I feel like their own popularity and the way Microsoft tends to advertise for things, creates a cycle in which it makes people who are fond of the genre be more inclined to get Xbox, which in turn, makes them even more associatable with Microsoft/Xbox.
Same here, Microsoft seems to specialize in shooters, when i think of sony i think of Mortal combat fighting games mostly.
I think it's because of the variety in controllers that XBOX has, which make it better for FPS games in general, not just CoD. PS has just their one style yet XBOX has a ton that only keep getting more technological (And expensive)
I'd also go so far as to say that because shooters tend to be popular on microsoft consoles, they make themselves more popular on Microsoft consoles. Just like how Cheat says everyone he knows buys them for Xbox, when I think Xbox, I think shooters. Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor, these games I tend to associate with the console, when I think 'Xbox'. I feel like their own popularity and the way Microsoft tends to advertise for things, creates a cycle in which it makes people who are fond of the genre be more inclined to get Xbox, which in turn, makes them even more associatable with Microsoft/Xbox.
I think the same :)
Different consoles appeal to different types of gamers, and therefore, you see market trends that reflect these differences. Xbox attracts gamers who enjoy FPS and sports games. Playstation attracts people who like RPG and Adventure games. Nintendo attracts people that like platform style games or party games.

Each company has carved a niche for themselves in the market; I personally don't enjoy FPS and Sports games so I have no desire to buy an Xbone. The people who purchase Xbone like these types of games, therefore, they buy games such as Call of Duty, Halo, Destiny, Titanfall, etc. That's why you see more FPS being sold on these types of consoles, because the gamers who buy these consoles enjoy these types of games.