Why Players Choose Xbox One or PlayStation 4


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A new report has revealed the major motivators for last-gen console owners to upgrade to the current generation.

According to Nielsen, most Xbox One owners upgraded from a 360, citing "brand" as the number one reason for the purchase. The PlayStation 4, on the other hand, won over last-gen console owners of all persuasions due to its "better resolution" and Blu-ray player. "Faster processing power" appeared as a reason for owning both consoles.

Most eighth gen console owners — whether it's Xbox One, PS4 4 or Wii U — previously owned a Wii, which is unsurprising considering the Wii's success. Wii U owners gave reasons like "fun factor" and "exclusive games/content" as big motivators for the move to this generation.

Interestingly, "exclusive games/content" was also on the list of reasons people bought the Xbox One, whereas PS4 owners cited "game library" as a strong motivator.

So why do you get Xbox over PS4 and versa?
The Xbox One, and PS4 seem pretty similar to me since most of the big games like Call of Duty,  GTA V, Destiny, EA games, etc are available on both consoles. Plus, they now both cost the same most of the time. The Xbox One is now cheaper sometimes since it usually comes with 1-2 free games, and It cost $346.99  on Amazon for the Assasin Creed Unity bundle.

I pick the Xbox One because I don't have a lot of money, so saving $50, and getting Assassin Creed Unity for free is a good deal compared to paying $399 for a PS4, and just getting a console with no games. I also already have a Xbox Live account, so I don't need to make a new account. 
I got a Xbox One because of 2 exclusive series that I love, that is Halo and Dead Rising.
If Xbox One did not have those series then I definitely would have gotten a PS4.