Why we don't want a FF 7 remake


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As detailed here.

Good points, but I think doing like a public feedback as they are making it would help.
Honestly, I think they just need to stop reminding us about it. I mean they seemingly keep announcing that FF7 is coming to or teasing a remake. But that's not helping. They just keep getting people worked up over something that isn't going to happen for reasons outlined in that article. 

That stated, was it really necessary to spend any time at their conference to announce this? I mean even like 2 minutes on this just feels like wasted time and/or filler. FF7 was out 17 years ago now, and it's already been released on PS3 and Vita. (I wonder if people who bought it on PS3 will get it for PS4 for free...) so it just feels like something that could have been something they just announce later. Like a simple letter to some gaming magazines letting people know. 
I think scenario A could still work. Heck, most of the points made about it could apply to Ocarina of Time 3D. I think that many of us are excited for Majora's Mask remake and actually hope not much has been changed speaks volumes. A remake could definitely work. True, not every single person will be happy but I think the majority will.