why you pick your user name?


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why did you pick your user name? mine is Demon_skeith.

The demon part came from the fact you don't want to make me angry and or make me your enemy.

The skeith part comes from the .hack games. Skeith is a very powerful boss and later becomes a very great power for you to use. a example of this can be seen here, and here

I hope you understand my user name now. what about yours?
Mine Is a character from the shanara series of books, he is a weapons master that has never been defeated, he is searching for a creature that he keeps dreaming about that he believes is the only creature that can beat him in a fight.
Kisame is my favorite character in Naruto. Original isn't it? XD
I thank my scince teacher Mrs. Nazario for my username, "Xenon" is one of the noble gases in the periodic table of elements so I changed it to "Xeon, has a pretty nice ring to it
My username has been mine since 1999. The days of the Sega Dreamcast. I bought a Dreamcast and Resident Evil: (CV)-X the day the game was released. The game had a mini-game, where you could play as the game's villian, Albert Wesker, one of my fav character's in RE. When you pause the game and Wesker's menu comes up, there's a company logo, a mysterious organization he belongs to, called "HCF". To this day, noone knows what it means, some people forgot all about it. but it's been with me ever since. i just combined the HCF with Wesker, and presto, got hcfwesker
for me: ubertrance is 2 words

uber is a German word meaning over plus i say it alot

Trance is a version of Techno music...one of my favorite types of music

i combined the 2 and started calling myself that....i use ubertrance for everything
I don't know the actual original origin of the name, but, I do use it for damn near everything.
Mine, I created around when the DS came out. I really loved it, so I made my name DSFAN, with 121 added since that's my birthday.
Oh Jees i have two main names

The Reaper - Came from my job - taking lives, it's more my demonic side


Thor - I'm from norwegian decent and i like to use the names of the Norse gods in honor of what i am and who i come from.
I can't believe I haven't answered this one yet.

Sea of clouds is the name of a set of craters on the dark side of the moon. I was a huge astronomy fan when I was younger. The actual name of the crates is Mare Nubium which is latin for sea of clouds. I loved it, so I've been using it for about 13 years or so now.
I fancied a change from character names, so I picked this. Silence comes from the fact I'm pretty shy in real life, and I added the [xX Xx] around it because it looks emo. xD
xxx Was pretty random, I thought it looked cool, but it's also an unknown

the Aero part was because I tend to favor the air element (it's also my element) when gaming