Wii gets new titles


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With 3DS out in a few weeks (the Japanese date is February 26, and we are so flying to Tokyo for the launch!), all eyes seem to be focused on Nintendo's portable strategy at present. But Nintendo still has its own eyes on the Wii, thankfully. The console will be seeing some big titles this year, including Kirby, Rhythm Heaven, at least one brand new IP, and possibly Pokemon!

A Nintendo investors briefing offered a glimpse at the lineup. Notable titles for this year include Kirby, which is in development at HAL Labs, and Rhythm Heaven, which will offer one and two player support. Both titiles were previously announced, but now you can see videos at Nintendo's investor relations page (Rhythm Heaven is at top, Kirby is below that -- but you can probably figure that out on your own).

Zelda Skyward Sword is still on the way for this year, of course. According to CEO Satoru Iwata, who briefly mentioned the game at an investors briefing today, development is in the final stages. However, the game's release will trail that of 3DS's Ocarina of Time.

Wii will be getting new IPs as well! Coming completely out of nowhere today was "Pandora's Tower." The only thing we know about this game is that it's already a contendor for this year's "sexiest back" award. Access the game's teaser site here. A Japanese release is set for Spring, so details will presumably be coming soon.

Less specifically, Iwata mentioned that Nintendo is progressing with a variety of Pokemon related developments for 3DS and Wii. We expected Pokemon on the 3DS at some point. But it looks like a new Wii Pokemon game may be on the way as well!
