Wii U Easier to Develop For


Mori Hater
Vigil lead designer Haydn Dalton, claims that porting Darkisiders II has been easy, during an interview withGamezone. Dalton feels the Wii U is one of the easiest paltforms he has ever developed for. This is good news because third party support was lacking for the Wii, when compared to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
"Technically, it’s one of the easier platforms to develop for," Vigil Games Lead Designer Haydn Dalton told us. "We had our core game up and running on it in a very short amount of time. There were no major problems for us developing the Wii U version [of Darksiders II], other than making sure we had a dedicated team to do it justice. For a new platform, it was surprisingly easy to port it to the Wii U."
"Initially, the base code port was tackled by our internal tech team, but as Darksiders 2 started to ramp up heavily, we handed ownership over to a separate team at THQ Montreal," Dalton explained. "The Montreal team sent us regular updates and documentation about how they were going to implement the unique elements of the Wii U’s hardware."
Darksiders II is a Wii U launch title, which is set to release on November 18, 2012.


That's pretty good to know, because that way developers will support it more.
just as long as it gets the games out faster.