Wii U Game Prices


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With Nintendo finally taking their games to the HD level, so have the prices. It's been confirmed that the games will cost 59.99 USD. When done with tax 60+ dollars :sad:

Nintendo has released a statement on prices:

"The vast majority of Wii U software will be $59.99. From a first-party perspective. Third parties set their own pricing," Fils-Aime told me, meaning that Nintendo fans would generally be paying $10 more per first-party game versus the Wii era. "There will be exceptions. Wii Fit U is not going to be a $59.99 product with the Balance Board, as an example. But certainly we believe that these games are big enough, robust enough, with enough demand to satisfy a $59.99 MSRP."
We are in next gen with the Wii-U. -_-' On top of that, $70 isn't that much more than $60. $100 would be horrific.
Console Games are so expensive.

Pretty soon, PC gaming with Steam, Onlive, and buying physical PC Games, and buying a Gaming PC be cheaper since buying 40 x $60 console games would be over $2400 not including tax, and shipping if you buy online.

I wonder would the high price of games just convince people to buy the Ouya Google Android console to play more affordable games like Minecraft, World of Goo, Super Meat Boy, and other indie/small developer games which are not as graphically intense, but make up for it with plot, controls, and other exclusive features.
Agreed. I bought Assassin's Creed Revelations a few weeks after it came out for the PC for $5 through a Steam sale, but had to pay $60 for the PS3 version.