Wikipad’s Google Android gaming tablet price drops to $199


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Wikipad has dropped the price of its gaming tablet to $199.

That’s a pretty decent price for a decent tablet, although the Wikipad 7′s hardware is starting to look a bit dated. It features a 7 inch, 1280 x 800 pixel display, an NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB of storage, and Android Jelly Bean software.

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$199 is a good price for a Tegra 3 tablet with a controller case. 
wait this was released? I didn't think it came out yet.
I think it came out June 2013. However, It does not have a 3D display,  10 inch screen, and all the other cool features from the original design, so they can make it cheaper by making a smaller tablet.