Will consoles be replaced by streaming services?


GamingLatest Slave
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Many people seem to think traditional consoles will be replaced more and more by streaming technologies, to things like TV's and PC's and instead of seeing a Playstation console, we are likely to see something like a Playstation streaming service. Do you think it will happen?

I think it probably will one day... but I would say it is further away than people are making out due to the mainly poor internet connections in comparison to what would be needed for this to work.
I think for casual game titles, streaming could replace consoles because some casual titles like Wii sports, and Angry Birds maybe possible to stream without needing a very fast connection because the games' graphic are not as detailed.

But, console and PC are still needed to play games like Call of Duty at a high graphics setting, and fast frame rate.

More people are getting Gigabit internet like Google Fiber, so they maybe more likely to try game streaming.
I'm a guy who likes details in gaming and I play the big stuff like grand theft auto and simulator and much more. I don't like lagging or slowness.

If it's out, 70% will probably won't use it
maybe if we were still in the 32 bit gaming days, but games are becoming more and more bigger in data size and I would not want to stream a large GB or TB video game. Bandwidth would be destroyed.
maybe if we were still in the 32 bit gaming days, but games are becoming more and more bigger in data size and I would not want to stream a large GB or TB video game. Bandwidth would be destroyed.

I think mostly the button presses, video and audio for games is streamed, and the game is still stored on the game companies server. People who stream games are mainly controlling the video on a stream sort of like pressing the play, stop, pause on a streaming app like Netflix. Netflix HD streaming uses about 3-4 GB an hour, so the bandwidth usage is probably similar with HD quality games.

But, I feel paying full price for streaming games would not work out because there is no sense of ownership like buying a disc or game installer file. Streaming games would probably work best as a rental or subscription service which you pay a small monthly fee.
I think mostly the button presses, video and audio for games is streamed, and the game is still stored on the game companies server. People who stream games are mainly controlling the video on a stream sort of like pressing the play, stop, pause on a streaming app like Netflix. Netflix HD streaming uses about 3-4 GB an hour, so the bandwidth usage is probably similar with HD quality games.

But, I feel paying full price for streaming games would not work out because there is no sense of ownership like buying a disc or game installer file. Streaming games would probably work best as a rental or subscription service which you pay a small monthly fee.

I don't think it works like that or it would be the set up for Destiny.
Maybe it could be implemented in a way where you connect an external hard-drive into something like a smart TV and then download the game files and it basically just streams the content such as trophies, ect. to the network and you get access to the game for a certain period of time based on your subscription. Guess that would negate the problem of poor internet connections.
I don't think it works like that or it would be the set up for Destiny.

I think Onlive which went bankrupt and Gaikai which got bought by Sony was setup where it mostly streamed video and button presses from a PC, tablet, and other electronic devices with a screen and controller.

I remember playing PC games with the Desktop Windows version of Onlive game streaming software, and playing a PC game in a web browser which Gaikai hosted on a website like Facebook.