Will fewer smartphone which uses a Stylus pen come with a stylus pen in the future?


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I feel there is a chance that fewer smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note will still come with a stylus pen in the future. User will need to buy a stylus pen separately for smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note since not everyone wants a Stylus pen, and some people may already own a stylus pen from an old Smartphone. A lot of people are also fine with using cheaper $1 to $5 Stylus pens for basic tasks like clicking on web links and buttons, so a more expensive Stylus is not always needed.
I don't think people like stylus pen for daily use, it'll be a hassle. But only artist find it useful for quick sketches.

I agree most people don't use stylus because it is an hassle. I think as touchscreens become more precise and responsive at tracking finger movement, the stylus may not be needed for sketches.
I know my new one didn't come with one which my old one did, I kind of miss it but I'll live.
Well, most likely.
Though I don't really use stylus pen all that much. I know that it's good and efficient and all....but I am just not comfortable with it.
I don't like stylus because I feel I lose them, or someone may steal it when I left it on a table by mistake.