Will gamers need to subscribe to many game streaming services to play different brands of games?


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I think it is possible that bigger game companies like EA, SquareEnix, Ubisoft, Rockstar, etc may create their own game streaming services to make their games exclusive to their game streaming service.

I think game companies like EA, SquareEnix, Ubisoft, etc will setup their own game streaming services, so they don't have to share as their profits with Google, Playstation Now, Xbox XCloud, and other game streaming services.

When bandwidth, and powerful game web servers become more affordable, some smaller game makers may also create a website for people to stream their game after they buy a membership to play their game.
Well, I suppose.

It wouldn't be easy but as it's a one-time thing, it wouldn't be that difficult.
It's starting to happen with video streaming services so I hope to god that it doesn't happen with gaming. The current method of distribution would be perfectly fine, thank you.
Well, I suppose.

It wouldn't be easy but as it's a one-time thing, it wouldn't be that difficult.

I feel it can be easier for bigger video game makers like SquareEnix who may have enough money to subscribe to more expensive and faster web hosting services from powerful web hosts like Amazon Web Hosting Services to host their online games for people to play on their website. Bigger game companies may need to buy custom game streaming software or hire someone to make them software if they don't already has the software needed to host a online game streaming service on their web server.

It's starting to happen with video streaming services so I hope to god that it doesn't happen with gaming. The current method of distribution would be perfectly fine, thank you.

I also dont like how users need to subscribe to many video services to watch sports, HBO, Netflix, and Disney movies, and how expensive it can be.

Unfortunately, I feel gaming will be like video streaming services where you need to subscribe to many services to play exclusive games. Many big game makers like EA can afford to create their own gaming services, and they may not want to share their profits with Google, PlayStation Now, etc.

Plus, they won't need to deal with the chance of Playstation Now, etc shutting down for reasons game makers can't control like Sony got sold to another company which decides to shutdown Playstation Now.
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