Will More People Record Audio and Music Files in the Future?


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I think it is possible that more people may record audio, and create music files in the future like how so many people create video files to share offline with friends or family, or online on YouTube to share with the internet.

There are people who play music, or talk about different topics like Tech, News, and Sports on streaming sites, but they just show a picture or multiple pictures while they talk on YouTube, or Audio-only sites like iTunes podcasts, sound cloud, and Podcasts where they can earn money from advertisements, donations, and sponsorship.

Audio Equipment like microphones, electric piano and guitars, audio cables, speakers, voice recorders, and other audio equipment is more affordable these days. You can get a decent microphone, and electric guitar for under $100, and used equipment is easy to find on Craigslist, eBay, and Amazon Marketplace.

Some libraries, schools, and community center lend out audio equipment and musical instruments for free if you have a library card, or Photo ID like a Student card or Driver's License, so they can contact you if you failed to return their equipment on time.

You also don't need a very fast or expensive computer to record audio in most cases.
I believe so, its so easy to record stuff these days. Even more people are recording video game footage since its extremely easy.
I believe so, its so easy to record stuff these days. Even more people are recording video game footage since its extremely easy.

There are also a lot of online audio recorder tutorials.

There are Computer basic courses which may cover basic audio recording software like the sound voice recorder in Windows at some colleges for people to learn how to record audio, and using a microphone.

There are also a lot of online tutorials for learning how to play instruments, sing, make sound effects or learn to speak in public, so people have something to record.
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