Will Nintendo Create a New Main series


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Honestly they need something new. What are your thoughts?
And what do you think they would do as a new series?
I'd love a new series, but what they have right now works. Mario sells great, Zelda sells great. They're probably thinking, "Why make something new when the old sells just as much?"
Yeah I agree with DYL when anybody says the name Nintendo people automatically think Mario or Zelda games.
If they were to try something new, they would have to put much thought into it and make it fun to play even after you've completed the game.
Yes, i would like a story influenced game with rpg elements (Not FE) With an aftergame, I know theres Zelda and FE and Some Mario Games like that. But i just want a Suprisingly great game like galaxy, that was a true work of art. Also i know Mario and Zelda are doing well but im looking for something fresh, Please Nintendo! Put yourself to the top again!
I'd like to see them try something new, but at the same time I'd like to see them go back to older franchises that they haven't touched in a while. Nintendo, PLEASE make another good Star Fox game. I'm begging you. And don't pull that Star Fox Adventures crap again.
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