Will photography be less popular when HD digital video cameras and SD cards become cheaper?


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It is possible that when HD digital video cameras like the Flip HD becomes cheaper and 16GB-32GB SD cards cost dollars to buy, photography will be less popular. More people will probably move toward video as a hobby.

I personally like video better since I can upload it to YouTube, and edit my videos into a music video, or remix it with other videos.

With photos, I can just edit it in Gimp, and make a slideshow with Windows Movie Maker.
I doubt it, there are always people who like to use film for cameras and such.
A lot of the most popular websites are video related I notice like YouTube, Dailymotion ands TV is more popular then magazines.

I'm starting to think Photography be like painting, and drawing someday. Only a few people do it while most people moved on to animation, and videos since they are both more animated.